JuliaPolyhedra / Polyhedra.jl

Polyhedral Computation Interface
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Strange formatting in warning #175

Closed schillic closed 5 years ago

schillic commented 5 years ago


This renders the following text here:

┌ Warning: `removevredundancy` will trigger the computation of the
│    H-representation, which is computationally demanding = " H-representation, which is computationally demanding"
│    because no solver was provided to the library. If this is = " because no solver was provided to the library. If this is"
│    expected, call `computehrep!` explicitely before calling = " expected, call `computehrep!` explicitely before calling"
│    this function to remove this warning. = " this function to remove this warning."
└ @ Polyhedra ~/.julia/packages/Polyhedra/jUgga/src/redundancy.jl:109

I guess you need to concatenate the string pieces with *, not with a ,.

schillic commented 5 years ago

(Side note: The parameter strongly seems to be ignored in this function.)