JuliaPy / Conda.jl

Conda managing Julia binary dependencies
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[MacOS] Conda.add("numpy") throwing error because Miniconda is already installed #221

Open AlexMuresan opened 2 years ago

AlexMuresan commented 2 years ago

I run the following code in a julia notebook and it works.

using Pkg; Pkg.add("Conda")
using Conda

But when trying to run


I get the following error message

┌ Info: Downloading miniconda installer ...
└ @ Conda /Users/alex/.julia/packages/Conda/x2UxR/src/Conda.jl:193
┌ Info: Installing miniconda ... └ @ Conda /Users/alex/.julia/packages/Conda/x2UxR/src/Conda.jl:203ERROR: File or directory already exists: '/Users/alex/miniforge3'
If you want to update an existing installation, use the -u option.
failed process: Process(`/Users/alex/.julia/conda/3/installer.sh -b -f -p /Users/alex/.julia/conda/3`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]

I didn't set CONDA_JL_HOME to anything. I tried using the conda python path and the regular python path in ENV["PYTHON"] , but I get the same results.