JuliaPy / PythonCall.jl

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Could not resolve environment using julia 1.10-beta1 #348

Closed PhyX-Meow closed 11 months ago

PhyX-Meow commented 11 months ago
In [4]: using PythonCall
    CondaPkg Found dependencies: /home/wuli/.julia/environments/v1.10/CondaPkg.toml
    CondaPkg Found dependencies: /home/wuli/.julia/packages/PythonCall/qTEA1/CondaPkg.toml
    CondaPkg Found dependencies: /home/wuli/.julia/packages/PythonPlot/f591M/CondaPkg.toml
    CondaPkg Resolving changes
             + libstdcxx-ng
             + matplotlib
             + python
    CondaPkg Creating environment
             │ /home/wuli/.julia/artifacts/4a9a25754a18bf871d4895183375da603599b7cc/bin/micromamba
             │ -r /home/wuli/micromamba
             │ create
             │ -y
             │ -p /home/wuli/.julia/environments/v1.10/.CondaPkg/env
             │ --override-channels
             │ --no-channel-priority
             │ libstdcxx-ng[version='>=3.4,<13.0',channel='conda-forge']
             │ matplotlib[version='>=1']
             │ python[version='*']
             │ python[version='>=3.7,<4',channel='conda-forge',build='*cpython*']
             └ -c conda-forge
conda-forge/linux-64                                          No change
conda-forge/noarch                                            No change
error    libmamba Could not solve for environment specs
    The following packages are incompatible
    ├─ libstdcxx-ng >=3.4,<13.0  does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel);
    └─ python >=3.7,<4 *cpython* does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel).
critical libmamba Could not solve for environment specs
ERROR: InitError: failed process: Process(`/home/wuli/.julia/artifacts/4a9a25754a18bf871d4895183375da603599b7cc/bin/micromamba -r /home/wuli/micromamba create -y -p /home/wuli/.julia/environments/v1.10/.CondaPkg/env --override-channels --no-channel-priority "libstdcxx-ng[version='>=3.4,<13.0',channel='conda-forge']" "matplotlib[version='>=1']" "python[version='*']" "python[version='>=3.7,<4',channel='conda-forge',build='*cpython*']" -c conda-forge`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
PhyX-Meow commented 11 months ago

Confirm it's due to my conda-forge mirror. Sorry for bothering.