JuliaPy / PythonCall.jl

Python and Julia in harmony.
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PythonCall.jl how do I handle Python exceptions? #388

Open hubert-associates opened 8 months ago

hubert-associates commented 8 months ago

Using PythonCall.jl, how do I best handle python exception patters such as the following python:

  database = client.create_database(DATABASE_NAME)
except exceptions.CosmosResourceExistsError:
  database = client.get_database_client(DATABASE_NAME)

xref stackoverflow

cjdoris commented 8 months ago

This in Julia

julia> try
           @pyexec "raise ValueError('foo')"
       catch err
           if err isa PyException && pyisinstance(err, pybuiltins.ValueError)
               @info "handling a ValueError"
[ Info: handling a ValueError

is roughly equivalent to this in Python

>>> try:
...     raise ValueError('foo')
... except ValueError as err:
...     print('handling a ValueError')
handling a ValueError
hubert-associates commented 8 months ago

Sincere thanks for the quick response. Tricky/frustrating to arrive here without this user's guide pattern ....