JuliaPy / PythonCall.jl

Python and Julia in harmony.
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`pyconvert_add_rule` must be executed before using `pyimport` in `__init__()` #500

Open laggvar opened 1 month ago

laggvar commented 1 month ago

Affects: PythonCall


It took me ages to figure out why the following did not manage to add a conversion rule, despite it following the documentation here and here

const mylib = pynew()
function __init__()
    pycopy!(mylib, pyimport("mylib")
    pyconvert_add_rule(".......", T, _func)

It seems swapping the order solves the issue

const mylib = pynew()
function __init__()
    pyconvert_add_rule(".......", T, _func)
    pycopy!(mylib, pyimport("mylib")

i.e. the conversion rule must be added before pyimport is called. I guess it is too late to add the rules once the python executable has started? Perhaps this should be clarified in the documentation?

cjdoris commented 1 month ago

No that's a bug, you should be able to add rules at any point. What version of PythonCall are you on? Please post some complete reproducing code which demonstrates the issue.