JuliaQuantumControl / QuantumControl.jl

Julia Framework for Quantum Dynamics and Control
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State-dependent running costs #38

Open lgravina1997 opened 1 year ago

lgravina1997 commented 1 year ago

In the article published on Quantum state-dependent running costs are taken into account. How can this be done using this (collection of) package?

goerz commented 1 year ago

In principle, it's possible both with Krotov's method and GRAPE, but I haven't gotten around to implementing it in either package (since I haven't needed it, personally). GRAPE is going to be easier, so I can probably implement that soonish.

See https://github.com/JuliaQuantumControl/GRAPE.jl/issues/53 and https://github.com/JuliaQuantumControl/Krotov.jl/issues/34 for the details of GRAPE and Krotov, respectively.

In any case, it would be helpful to have a specific example so that I have something to test the implementation against. Can you create a Jupyter notebook (or script) in the style of the examples that sets up the problem you're trying to solve and upload that somewhere, like in a Gist?

goerz commented 1 year ago

I just want to clarify that nothing is going to happen on this issue without an example