JuliaReach / BernsteinExpansions.jl

Computing Bernstein coefficients of multivariate polynomials in Julia
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Computation of Full Tensorial Bernstein Form (general discussion) #3

Open roccaa opened 6 years ago

roccaa commented 6 years ago


Let M be a multivariate monomial. Given four variables x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4 one example would be M = (x_1^2)*(x_2^2)*(x_4). In this example, M is constituted by the product of 4 univariate monomials M_i:

Assuming B_i is the Bernstein expansion of M_i, one can obtain the Bernstein expansion B of M by computing the Kronecker products (that we note here (x)) of its constituting univariate monomial Bernstein expansions B_i.

B = ((B_1(x)B_2) (x)B_3) (x)B_4

Please note the ordering of the operations is important, so commutativity does not hold.

Current implementation

function multivariate_tensor(k::Vector{Int64}, l::Vector{Int64},
                             low::Vector{T}, high::Vector{T})::Vector{T} where {T<:Number}

    n = length(low)
    berncoeffs  = univariate(k[1], l[1], low[1], high[1])

    @inbounds for i in 2:n
        berncoeffs = kron(berncoeffs, univariate(k[i], l[i], low[i], high[i]))

    return berncoeffs

Points to improve

... Worker 1: B12 = (B_1(x)B_2) ... Worker 2: B34 = (B_3(x)B_4) ... Syncro ... Worker 1 B = (B12 (x) B34)

mforets commented 6 years ago

We saw that a "loop-based" approach such that:

(1) uses Julia's column-major ordering (see this performance tip), i.e. you want the inner loops to run through the left-most indices, (2) Avoids multiplications duplicates using auxiliary variables,

looks like the following, in the particular case of dimension 8:

function fauxc(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)

    A = Array{Float64}(length(a), length(b), length(c), length(d), length(e), length(f), length(g), length(h))

    @inbounds begin
    for i8 in eachindex(h)
        for i7 in eachindex(g)
            aux_i7_i8 = g[i7] * h[i8]
            for i6 in eachindex(f)
                aux_i6_i7_i8 = f[i6] * aux_i7_i8
                for i5 in eachindex(e)
                    aux_i5_i6_i7_i8 = e[i5] * aux_i6_i7_i8
                    for i4 in eachindex(d)
                        aux_i4_i5_i6_i7_i8 = d[i4] * aux_i5_i6_i7_i8
                        for i3 in eachindex(c)
                            aux_i3_i4_i5_i6_i7_i8 = c[i3] * aux_i4_i5_i6_i7_i8 
                            for i2 in eachindex(b)
                                aux_i2_i3_i4_i5_i6_i7_i8 = b[i2] * aux_i3_i4_i5_i6_i7_i8
                                for i1 in eachindex(a)
                                    A[i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8] = a[i1] * aux_i2_i3_i4_i5_i6_i7_i8
    return A


(1) if we go for this approach, it should be possible to generalize with the Base.Cartesian technology (i never used it), see the docs, (2) the output is a mult-dim matrix, but the code with kron returns a (very large) vector, and converting between these takes time esp for high dims.

schillic commented 6 years ago

Here is a general version that should do the same but work for an arbitrary number of vectors. However, it is a lot slower due to heavy allocations (which I do not fully understand). EDIT: If you allocate A outside and pass it to this function, the majority of allocations is gone, but there are still a lot of them.

The sorting is not implemented, but I expect it to boost performance additionally for vectors of different length.

function kron_nested(vectors::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, A=Array{Float64}(ntuple(i -> length(vectors[i]), length(vectors))))
    n = length(vectors)
    @assert n > 1 "need at least two vectors"

    # sort by length, in descending order (i.e., smallest last)
    # vectors = sort(TODO)

    # precompute first multiplications
    cache = Vector{Float64}(n-1)
    cache[n-1] = vectors[n][1]
    i = n-1
    while i > 1
        cache[i-1] = vectors[i][1] * cache[i]
        i -= 1

    # allocate result (commented and moved to input argument)
    # A = Array{Float64}(ntuple(i -> length(vectors[i]), n))

    # fill result
    indices = ones(Int, n)
    v = vectors[1] # leftmost vector
    length_v = length(v) # length of the leftmost vector
    lengths = [length(v) for v in vectors]
    while true
        # loop where result is written (only one multiplication missing)
        indices[1] = 1
        while indices[1] <= length_v
            A[indices...] = v[indices[1]] * cache[1]
            indices[1] += 1

        # reset indices that reached their bounds
        i = 2
        while i <= n && indices[i] == lengths[i]
            indices[i] = 1
            i += 1

        # termination criterion: last index reached its bounds
        if i == n+1

        # increment next index
        indices[i] += 1

        # update cache for all indices that have changed
        if i == n
            # special case: next index is the last index
            cache[i-1] = vectors[i][indices[i]]
            # normal case
            cache[i-1] = vectors[i][indices[i]] * cache[i]
        i -= 1
        while i > 1
            cache[i-1] = vectors[i][1] * cache[i]
            i -= 1

    return A
mforets commented 6 years ago

The generalization of fauxc from above can be done with Base.Cartesian. I failed to get it right, but @chriselrod gave the correct answer and a full explanation in discourse.

I copy the approach here that uses the dimensions of the preallocated output array A to know how many loops should be generated:

@generated function fauxc(A::AbstractArray{T,n}, v::VectorOfArray) where {T,n}
    cache = Vector{Float64}($n-2)
    @inbounds for $(Symbol(:i_, n)) in eachindex(v[$n])
                        @nloops $(n-1) i i -> eachindex(v[i]) d -> d == 1 ? nothing : d == $n-1 ? cache[d-1] = v[i_{d}, d] * v[i_{d+1}, d+1] : cache[d-1] = cache[d] * v[i_{d}, d] begin (@nref $n A i) = v[i_1, 1] * cache[1] end

The arguments to @nloops are N itersym rangeexpr preexpr bodyexpr; the anonymous function d -> d == 1 ... is the pre-expression that defines the cache, and the last part,

begin (@nref $n A i) = v[i_1, 1] * cache[1] end

is just the content of the inner-most loop.

roccaa commented 6 years ago

Great ! (You did my job again Marcelo :P) To update this issue:

Next steps:

I will open an issue for each of these sub-problems. Let keep this issue for the general discussions.

mforets commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the clear write-up.

While reading Smith's thesis, i noticed he pays special attention to the computation of rigorous error bounds using interval arithmetic. While we don't support this yet, it shouldn't be hard to setup here, extending our interface and using Interval and IntervalBox from the IntervalArithmetic package.

I also liked his approach for an API dealing with either the Bernstein tensor form and the implicit Bernstein form (see Appendix B towards the end of the thesis), they are fields of some bigger data type that contains the polynomial and the (box) domain. I think we should follow this idea, using a type parametric in a concrete subtype of an AbstractBernsteinForm.

I plan to send a PR in these directions that set the ground for your point (2) in "Next Steps" above. Points (1) and (3) are quite independent and can be done separately.

roccaa commented 6 years ago

@mforets Yes. Implicit Bernstein form is important when one wants to compute a given subset of the Bernstein coefficients (for example when bounding a polynomial). The computation of the full set of Bernstein coefficients is necessary when one wants to provide a precise convex enclosure of the polynomial function.

To summarize:

In my previous work, I only used the Bernstein expansion for the min/max application. However, in a library point of view, I think it is important to give both possibilities as one may need the full Bernstein expansion.

About, the interval arithmetic: Bernstein coefficients of monomials are rational. So rational arithmetic is enough currently. Interval arithmetic is important to allow us to handle cases where the coefficients of the polynomial are not rational (ex: sqrt(2), pi, etc...). Example: a*x^2*y^2 + b*x^3*y If a and bare rational then rational arithmetic is enough. If a or b are not rational (for example irrational or parameters in a set) then we can still compute the Bernstein expansions of x^2*y^2 and x^3*y independently using rational arithmetic, and then output the one of a*x^2*y^2 + b*x^3*y symbolically (as done in Sapo using Ginac ) or approximate its solution using intervals as you propose. ( I do not see the point of complex numbers currently. So I consider Bernstein expansion of polynomials over the reals.)