JuliaReach / Reachability.jl

Reachability and Safety of Nondeterministic Dynamical Systems
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Plot vars inconsistent for blocks case #12

Closed mforets closed 6 years ago

mforets commented 6 years ago

I find this inconsistent:

julia> s = solve(ContinuousSystem(A, X0), :N => 10, :δ=> 0.1, :blocks=>[2, 5]);

julia> s.options.dict
Dict{Symbol,Any} with 19 entries:
  :property                  => nothing
  :blocks                    => [2, 5]
  :assume_sparse             => false
  :apply_projection          => true
  :ε                         => Inf
  :coordinate_transformation => ""
  :plot_vars                 => [0, 1]
  :algorithm                 => "explicit"
  :iterative_refinement      => false
  :assume_homogeneous        => false
  :mode                      => "reach"
  :N                         => 10
  :lazy_expm                 => false
  :approx_model              => "forward"
  :δ                         => 0.1
  :T                         => 1.0
  :projection_matrix         => nothing
  :pade_expm                 => false
  :lazy_X0                   => false

since the block 1 has not been computed at all, plot_vars cannot be [0, 1]!

schillic commented 6 years ago

It is not completely inconsistent: We interpret it after the projection on the respective blocks. (I know that you knew that). I agree that it can be confusing. You would expect [0, 3] in this case.

I see two possible changes:

  1. Read the input [0, 3] and compute, using :blocks, [0, 1] when you parse the options; then continue internally as before.
  2. Change the places where :plot_vars is used and do the computation there.

The good thing with 1. is that we do not have to change existing code, that we have to compute [0, 1] only once at a central place, and that we do not need the :blocks argument later. The good thing with 2. is that there is no inconsistency/confusion internally, e.g., if you debug.

mforets commented 6 years ago

inside the function validate_solver_options_and_add_default_values!, can we produce the default value for plot_vars by checking what has been given as blocks? this is probably your option 1 above?

schillic commented 6 years ago

If I understand you correctly, you want to convert the current default value [0, 1] to [0, 3] from blocks == [2, 5]. Then the computation should be [0, blocks[1]*2-1], right?

mforets commented 6 years ago

yes, that'll work.

mforets commented 6 years ago

so, my proposal is:

schillic commented 6 years ago

Why should we apply_projection if blocks is not given? I find this confusing.

I understand it if we compute blocks intelligently from plot_vars in this case, but currently we do not.

mforets commented 6 years ago

Why should we apply_projection if blocks is not given? I find this confusing.

it's needed to add the time variable for example.

schillic commented 6 years ago

it's needed to add the time variable for example.

I do not follow.

mforets commented 6 years ago

Let's approach this in terms of use cases. Let c = ContinuousSystem(A, X0, U).

Here is a draft:

  1. Minimum number of options:s = solve(c, :T=>1.): this produces a Vector{HPolygon}. Internally we did apply project to add the time dimension, where plot_vars=[0, 1]. Advantage: plot(s) "just works", i.e. no need for getting into advanced options (yet).

  2. Say that variables [1, 5] are needed. Then we can make that s = solve(c, :plot_vars=>[1, 5]) followed by a plot(s) works. What do you think? Internally, we shall deduce the required blocks for the variables of interest, and we also projected them. This also produces a Vector{HPolygon}.

  3. I want to have more control on the internals, so i can do a s = solve(c, :blocks=>[1, 3], :apply_projection=>false). This produces a Vector{CartesianProductArray}. Then, at a later stage, i can do a sp = project(s, :plot_vars=>[1, 5]), and then a plot(sp).

Edit: the motivation for the 2nd use case is that one doesn't need to understand the implementation (blocks decomposition) to get the result.

schillic commented 6 years ago

I see, yes, that is a good suggestion. Then in this issue we should also do the inference of blocks, I like that.

mforets commented 6 years ago

cc: @roccaa

schillic commented 6 years ago

@mforets: Is my understanding correct that we always want to apply_projection by default?

schillic commented 6 years ago

I tried to satisfy these examples. Here are the problems:

  1. In the 2nd and 3rd example you also have to define T.
  2. In the 3rd example we do not have a function project with a ReachSolution argument, so you have to call with sp = project(s.Xk, :plot_vars=>[1, 5]). If you want to support the other, please add a respective constructor.
  3. Even then you get KeyError: key :ε not found. I have not investigated further.

Discussion can continue in PR#25.

mforets commented 6 years ago

thanks for the response. i changed my mind in a couple of things. below is a proposal to get started:


The function solve provides the interface to the algorithm backends that actually solve the reachability problem. In general, you will be intersted in a subset of the state variables only, be it for visualization purposes or for storing the results for subsequent computations. The variables of interest can be specified with the vars argument. This is illustrated by an example:

# produce a ten-dimensional random system
julia> A = randn(10, 10)
julia> X0 = BallInf(ones(10), 0.1)
julia> p = ContinuousSystem(A, X0)

# solve the reachability problem for 100 steps in the time horizon 1.0
julia> s = solve(p, :T=>1.0, :N=>100, :vars=>(0, 1))

Here we specify that we are interested in the time varible, thus the index 0, and the variable x_1.

We could as well compute the reach set for the variables t, x_1 and x_3 by adding more entries to the tuple, i.e. with the command:

julia> s = solve(p, :T=>1.0, :N=>100, :vars=>(0, 1, 3))

By default, if you don't specify any variables then the whole state space is computed. Hence,

julia> s = solve(p, :T=>1.0, :N=>100)

produces the same result as

julia> s = solve(p, :T=>1.0, :N=>100, :vars=>(1..10))

In the following sections we see how to project and plot reach sets.

Common solving options

Option Default Aliases Type Description Example
vars (1:n) Tuple :vars=>(0, 3)
N :N=>1000
δ :δ=> 0.1
T :T=> 1.0
mode :mode=>"reach"

Other automatic fields of the options structure

Option Default Aliases Type Description Example

Advanced solve options

Option Default Aliases Type Description Example
assume_sparse :assume_sparse=>true
blocks :blocks=> [2, 5]
apply_projection :apply_projection=>true
ε :ε=>1e-3
algorithm :algorithm =>"explicit"
iterative_refinement :iterative_refinement=>false
assume_homogeneous :assume_homogeneous=>false
lazy_expm :lazy_expm=>false
approx_model :approx_model=>"forward"
projection_matrix :projection_matrix= nothing
pade_expm :pade_expm=>false
lazy_X0 :lazy_X0=>false

Specific options for property checking

This is only evaulated if :mode=>"check".

Option Default Aliases Type Description Example
property nothing :property=>Property([2., -3.], 450.8)






julia> s = solve(p, :T=>1.0, :N=>100, :vars=>(0, 1))
julia> s.options.dict
schillic commented 6 years ago

Let me recapitulate:


mforets commented 6 years ago

change type of plot_vars from array to tuple - why?

this and other little proposed changes are because i'm always looking how this is done in the mature Julia package DifferentialEquations. not only because other users will probably be familiar with it (if you need to make eg. simulations), but also in this package if we support some form of simulations backend. that's why seemed reasonable to call it vars instead of plot_vars.

This will probably require some changes because at some places we assume that there are exactly two (probably for plotting and maybe for projection as well).


How do we specify which variables to plot?

the approach that we are taking is that plot recipes doesn't know about projection. just receives a vector of HPolygon (or an abstract LazySet, but always in 2D). hence, the plot recipe only needs to receive the label names.

Plotting cannot understand the index 3.

this is the purpose of the xguide and yguide things, see plot_recipes.jl the function plot_sol(sol::ReachSolution{HPolygon};

mforets commented 6 years ago

should we still support the alias output_variables?

i'm not sure about that part of the code. maybe later, we can adapt it a little bit. we should be able to parse the standard LTI system x' = Ax + Bu, y = Cx + Du, where the "output variables" are y.

schillic commented 6 years ago

that's why seemed reasonable to call it vars instead of plot_vars

My question was: Why should we change the type? I am totally fine with changing the name.

mforets commented 6 years ago

yes, i think so. looking in this wiki it says:

A tuple is an ordered sequence of elements, like an array. A tuple is represented by parentheses and commas, rather than the square brackets used by arrays. Tuples are mostly good for small fixed-length collections — they're used everywhere in Julia, for example, as argument lists and for returning multiple values from functions. The important difference between arrays and tuples is that tuples are immutable.

schillic commented 6 years ago

I do not like that you have to input the variables as a Tuple. What if you are interested in half of the variables for a 200 variable model? Then you have to create a tuple containing all those numbers. With AbstractVector we can do it easily by 1:100.

mforets commented 6 years ago

With AbstractVector we can do it easily by 1:100.

There is ntuple(n->n,100), which is a bit more verbose.

The motivation of the "Common solving options" vs. the "Advanced solve options" of above was in reality that we start making a layer for the solve interface, such that it can work with different algorithms. On a lower level you have e.g. the current reach for affine ODEs with nondeterministic inputs, but one could use this solve interface with a reach algorithm for nonlinear ones. This is all wishful thinking but since we are at it...