JuliaReach / Reachability.jl

Reachability and Safety of Nondeterministic Dynamical Systems
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Errors with projection #707

Closed mforets closed 4 years ago

mforets commented 4 years ago

The following can be addressed in separate PRs, but are related to using the options project_reachset and projection_matrix:

1 - UndefVarError with projection projection matrix

2 - MethodError if projection matrix is passed in the incorrect options structure

3 - Inconsistency in parsing the projection options

A = rand(4, 4)
S = LinearContinuousSystem(A)
X0 = rand(Hyperrectangle, dim=4)
M = rand(2, 4)
P = InitialValueProblem(S, X0)

For 1:

opts = Options(:T=>1.0, :project_reachset=>true, :projection_matrix=>M)
opts_algo = Options(:δ=>0.1, :vars=>[1, 2]);

For 2:

opts = Options(:T=>1.0, :project_reachset=>true)
opts_algo = Options(:δ=>0.1, :vars=>[1, 2], :projection_matrix=>M);

For 3:

opts = Options(:T=>1.0, :project_reachset=>false, :projection_matrix=>M)
opts_algo = Options(:δ=>0.1, :vars=>[1, 2]);

EDIT: for these examples and some comments see this notebook

schillic commented 4 years ago

2) is actually not a problem of :projection_matrix (this option is just ignored) but of :project_reachset. The vector of ReachSets after projection is not concretely typed, which causes the creation of the ReachSolution to crash. This sounds tricky to solve.

schillic commented 4 years ago
  1. happens because we once decided that passing a :projection_matrix implies that one wants to project, and we ignore :project_reachset then.


469 proposed to unify those options. If we do not want to go for that, I am fine with changing this policy (both choices are arbitrary to me).

AssertionError: a linear map of size (2, 4) cannot be applied to a set of dimension 2

at least, a better error message should be sent

This message comes from LazySets. Should we check compatibility here, too? If the user enables the log, they know that this happens in the projection.

schillic commented 4 years ago
  1. is actually not a problem of :projection_matrix (this option is just ignored) but of :project_reachset. The vector of ReachSets after projection is not concretely typed, which causes the creation of the ReachSolution to crash. This sounds tricky to solve.

More precisely, the problem is this line:


By passing the option :set_type => Hyperrectangle (default), some type parameters are not instantiated. We do not allow to pass Hyperrectangle{Float64, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}} directly, and this would be awkward.

A workaround is to not use :project_reachset, replacing that line by

    RsetsProj = Vector{ReachSet{set_type}}(undef, length(Rsets))

and calling project_reach manually.

Example for the Building model:


𝑂_BLDF01 = Options(:T => time_horizon, :mode => "reach", :property => pBDS01)
𝑂_dense_BLDF01 = Options(:vars => [25], :partition => [1:24, [25], 26:48],
                         :δ => 0.003, :block_options_init => LazySets.LinearMap)

res = solve(build_TV, 𝑂_BLDF01, op=BFFPSV18(𝑂_dense_BLDF01))  # unprojected solution

projection_options = Options(:n => 48, :ε_proj => Inf,
    :set_type_proj => Hyperrectangle{Float64, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}},
    :projection_matrix => nothing, :transformation_matrix => nothing)

rs = ReachSolution(project_reach(res.Xk, [0, 25], projection_options))  # projection

plot(rs, vars=[0, 1])  # solution is 1D, so the variables need to be specified
schillic commented 4 years ago

The first error got resolved in #717. That example now produces the second error.

schillic commented 4 years ago

This issue will be closed in #719. As explained above, 3. is not a bug. 1. and 2. will result in an assertion error about M = rand(2, 4) having two dimensions. Again, this is not a bug.