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TagBot's suggested compat bounds for stdlibs at odds with PSA recommendation #292

Open sloede opened 10 months ago

sloede commented 10 months ago

From https://discourse.julialang.org/t/psa-compat-requirements-in-the-general-registry-are-changing/104958

For now you should simply match the version of your Julia compat entry, for all your standard library compat entries.

Last night, TagBot has started suggesting compat bounds for several stdlibs in several respositories, e.g., PackageCompiler.jl or ReadVTK.jl. There, however, it seems like the suggested compat bound is always just "1", even though the Julia compat is "1.6".

This mismatch between TagBot and the PSA recommendation is at least weird for package maintainers who are not in the loop regarding the further development of upgradeable stdlibs: Should we just wait for TagBot to update everything to "1"? Or should we go ahead and manually set it to the Julia compat?

And is this mismatch just due to a limitation of TagBot not being able to extract the Julia compat for use in stdlibs, or is it an actual bug?

Either way, it would be great to see some guidance on this in the TagBot README and/or the PSA.

cc @vchuravy

ranocha commented 10 months ago

If we change the compat entry for Downloads to "1.6", Julia v1.6 throws an error in CI:

ERROR: LoadError: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package Downloads [f43a241f]:
 Downloads [f43a241f] log:
 ├─possible versions are: 1.4.3 or uninstalled
 └─restricted to versions 1.6.0-1 by ReadVTK [dc215faf] — no versions left

See https://github.com/JuliaVTK/ReadVTK.jl/actions/runs/6689378728/job/18172832287?pr=46#step:5:39 in https://github.com/JuliaVTK/ReadVTK.jl/pull/46/files