JuliaReinforcementLearning / CommonRLInterface.jl

A minimal reinforcement learning environment interface with additional opt-in features.
MIT License
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Simple Q Learning/SARSA Homework Assignment #17

Open zsunberg opened 4 years ago

zsunberg commented 4 years ago

I would like to have students do a basic homework assignment with CommonRLInterface. This will have two parts:

  1. I will give them a grid world environment with a clear visualization so that they can see what is going on and make sure their algorithm works.
  2. I will give them a mystery discrete environment (with obfuscated code) without a visualization so that they can experience it like the agent does with meaningless observations and only a reward signal.

For part 1, the optional interface parts I need are:

  1. observations(env) #10
  2. A way to render the environment.

For part 2, just the required interface will suffice.