JuliaRheology / RHEOS.jl

RHEOS - Open Source Rheology data analysis software
MIT License
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Documentation fails to generate #154

Closed akabla closed 1 year ago

akabla commented 1 year ago

The error message: ┌ Error: Git failed to fetch git@github.com:JuliaRheology/RHEOS.jl.git │ This can be caused by a DOCUMENTER_KEY variable that is not correctly set up. │ Make sure that the environment variable is properly set up as a Base64-encoded string │ of the SSH private key. You may need to re-generate the keys with DocumenterTools. └ @ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/yf96B/src/Documenter.jl:652

akabla commented 1 year ago

8d492eb and new deploy key solve the issue.

akabla commented 1 year ago

To recap on what we did to fix documenter, we pretty much followed this specific linked section of the Documenter.jl 'Hosting Documentation' guide:


and then we followed the instructions provided after running the command:

DocumenterTools.genkeys(user="JuliaRheology", repo="RHEOS.jl")

More specifically, we put the public key in the 'Deploy Keys' part of RHEOS repository settings and the private key in the 'Secrets' part of the settings.