JuliaRobotics / Caesar.jl

Robust robotic localization and mapping, together with NavAbility(TM). Reach out to info@wherewhen.ai for help.
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use schema for serialization types / contracts #311

Open dehann opened 5 years ago

dehann commented 5 years ago



Probably StructTypes.jl JSON3.jl etc performance benefits also.

Original comment

For ZMQ and other JSON related serialization, we should consider using contract definitions. I suggest we place them in Caesar/src/schema/*.json.

For example, see:

cc @pvazteixeira @nicrip @GearsAD

dehann commented 5 years ago


dehann commented 5 years ago

see first examples:

dehann commented 5 years ago

added step-by-step guide to Caesar.jl docs faq: https://github.com/JuliaRobotics/Caesar.jl/pull/312

dehann commented 4 years ago

We decided against this, and will soon meet to make sure we can close this and related issues.