JuliaRobotics / IncrementalInference.jl

Clique recycling non-Gaussian (multi-modal) factor graph solver; also see Caesar.jl.
MIT License
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fix nonparametric heading test issue (in RoME.jl) #1760

Open dehann opened 1 year ago

dehann commented 1 year ago

See @test_broken here:

dehann commented 11 months ago

try to do for v0.35.0, would like to ensure partials working properly for RoME. Small chance this punts to v0.35.1 given other priorities needing v0.35.0.

dehann commented 11 months ago

spike and bump to v0.35.1 if taking too long

Affie commented 10 months ago

Testing: So far approxConvBelief gives the correct answers.

dehann commented 10 months ago

this is new test coverage, and test looks at implicit partial priors and graph is still fully defined. Decision on how to handle these partials either explicit or code improvements with Manifolds.

Way back before Manifolds and StaticArrays this would work because the implicit partial was handled automatically since all compute and variable assignments were done in coordinates and using manifold dims of variables and factors (i.e. xDim and zDim).

dehann commented 10 months ago

requires new design session on partials, which expected to occur in the near future

dehann commented 10 months ago

quick discussion had preference for always having "partial" info available for each factor. I.e. solver can recover necessary partial info for any factor. Preference to avoid having multiple factors for the same measurement type on different graphs. Example PriorPosition2/PriorPose2_XY/PriorPose3_XY.