JuliaRobotics / RigidBodyDynamics.jl

Julia implementation of various rigid body dynamics and kinematics algorithms
287 stars 48 forks source link

Fix deprecation warnings on 0.7 #445

Closed tkoolen closed 6 years ago

tkoolen commented 6 years ago

Master is in pretty good shape for 0.7 now, but still a bunch of deprecation warnings to fix.

Results of running tests (up until IntervalArithmetic notebook; IntervalArithmetic is still broken) for future reference:

Test Summary: | Pass  Total
exports       |  157    157
┌ Warning: broadcast will default to iterating over its arguments in the future. Wrap arguments of
│ type `x::DirectedGraph{Vertex{Int64},Edge{Float64}}` with `Ref(x)` to ensure they broadcast as "scalar" elements.
│   caller = ip:0x0
└ @ Core :-1
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
graphs        | 5335   5335
Test Summary:      | Pass  Total
custom collections |   29     29
┌ Warning: `At_mul_B(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, x::AbstractVector{S}) where {T, S}` is deprecated, use `transpose(A) * x` instead.
│   caller = macro expansion at frame.jl:66 [inlined]
└ @ Core frame.jl:66
┌ Warning: `At_mul_B(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, x::AbstractVector{S}) where {T, S}` is deprecated, use `transpose(A) * x` instead.
│   caller = macro expansion at frame.jl:66 [inlined]
└ @ Core frame.jl:66
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
frames        |   20     20
┌ Warning: `mapslices(op, A::AbstractArray, dims)` is deprecated, use `mapslices(op, A, dims=dims)` instead.
│   caller = colwise at util.jl:29 [inlined]
└ @ Core util.jl:29
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
spatial       |  951    951
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
contact       |  300    300
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
URDF parser   |   36     36
┌ Warning: `mapreduce(f, op, v0, itr)` is deprecated, use `mapreduce(f, op, itr; init=v0)` instead
│   caller = num_positions(::Mechanism{Float64}) at mechanism.jl:117
└ @ RigidBodyDynamics mechanism.jl:117
┌ Warning: `mapreduce(f, op, v0, itr)` is deprecated, use `mapreduce(f, op, itr; init=v0)` instead
│   caller = num_velocities(::Mechanism{Float64}) at mechanism.jl:124
└ @ RigidBodyDynamics mechanism.jl:124
┌ Warning: `mapreduce(f, op, v0, itr)` is deprecated, use `mapreduce(f, op, itr; init=v0)` instead
│   caller = num_constraints(::Mechanism{Float64}) at mechanism.jl:131
└ @ RigidBodyDynamics mechanism.jl:131
Test Summary:   | Pass  Total
double pendulum |   12     12
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
StateCache    |    8      8
Test Summary:       | Pass  Total
DynamicsResultCache |    8      8
Test Summary:        | Pass  Total
SegmentedVectorCache |    8      8
┌ Warning: `showcompact(io, x)` is deprecated, use `show(IOContext(io, :compact => true), x)` instead.
│   caller = macro expansion at test_mechanism_algorithms.jl:31 [inlined]
└ @ Core test_mechanism_algorithms.jl:31
┌ Warning: `showcompact(io, x)` is deprecated, use `show(IOContext(io, :compact => true), x)` instead.
│   caller = macro expansion at test_mechanism_algorithms.jl:31 [inlined]
└ @ Core test_mechanism_algorithms.jl:31
┌ Warning: `mapreduce(f, op, v0, itr)` is deprecated, use `mapreduce(f, op, itr; init=v0)` instead
│   caller = num_velocities(::TreePath{RigidBody{Float64},Joint{Float64,JT} where JT<:JointType{Float64}}) at mechanism_state.jl:374
└ @ RigidBodyDynamics mechanism_state.jl:374
┌ Warning: Constructors no longer fall back to `convert`. A constructor `ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing,Float64,1}(::Float64)` should be defined instead.
│   caller = rotation_vector_rate(::SArray{Tuple{3},ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing,Float64,1},1,3}, ::Array{ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing,Float64,1},1}) at util.jl:94
└ @ RigidBodyDynamics.Spatial util.jl:94
Test Summary:        | Pass  Total
mechanism algorithms | 3537   3537
┌ Warning: `sum(a::AbstractArray, dims)` is deprecated, use `sum(a, dims=dims)` instead.
│   caller = RigidBodyDynamics.OdeIntegrators.ButcherTableau(::Array{Float64,2}, ::Array{Float64,1}) at ode_integrators.jl:36
└ @ RigidBodyDynamics.OdeIntegrators ode_integrators.jl:36
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
simulation    |  506    506
┌ Warning: `full(A::Symmetric)` (and `full` in general) has been deprecated. To replace `full(A::Symmetric)`, as appropriate consider `Matrix(A)`, `Array(A)`, `SparseMatrixCSC(A)`, `sparse(A)`, `copyto!(similar(parent(A)), A)`, or `LinearAlgebra.copytri!(copy(parent(A)), A.uplo)`.
│   caller = dynamics_solve!(::DynamicsResult{ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing,Float64,0},Float64}, ::RigidBodyDynamics.CustomCollections.ConstVector{ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing,Float64,0}}) at mechanism_algorithms.jl:699
└ @ RigidBodyDynamics mechanism_algorithms.jl:699
Test Summary:          | Pass  Total
mechanism modification | 1358   1358
Test Summary: | Pass  Total
pd            |  208    208
┌ Warning: `nbinclude(path)` is deprecated, use `@nbinclude(path)` instead.
│   caller = ip:0x0
└ @ Core :-1
WARNING: importing deprecated binding Base.srand into ##376.
WARNING: Base.srand is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package `Random`.
Add `using Random` to your imports.
  likely near /Users/twan/.julia/dev/RigidBodyDynamics/notebooks/Derivatives and gradients using ForwardDiff.ipynb:In[1]:4
WARNING: importing deprecated binding Base.rand! into ##376.
WARNING: Base.rand! is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package `Random`.
Add `using Random` to your imports.
  likely near /Users/twan/.julia/dev/RigidBodyDynamics/notebooks/Derivatives and gradients using ForwardDiff.ipynb:In[3]:2
WARNING: Base.median is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package `Statistics`.
Add `using Statistics` to your imports.
  likely near /Users/twan/.julia/packages/BenchmarkTools/1cAj/src/trials.jl:121
WARNING: Base.mean is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package `Statistics`.
Add `using Statistics` to your imports.
  likely near /Users/twan/.julia/packages/BenchmarkTools/1cAj/src/trials.jl:122
WARNING: Base.mean is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package `Statistics`.
Add `using Statistics` to your imports.
  likely near /Users/twan/.julia/packages/BenchmarkTools/1cAj/src/groups.jl:79
WARNING: Base.median is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package `Statistics`.
Add `using Statistics` to your imports.
  likely near /Users/twan/.julia/packages/BenchmarkTools/1cAj/src/groups.jl:80
┌ Warning: `mapreduce(f, op, v0, itr)` is deprecated, use `mapreduce(f, op, itr; init=v0)` instead
│   caller = num_positions(::Mechanism{Float64}) at mechanism.jl:117
└ @ RigidBodyDynamics mechanism.jl:117
┌ Warning: `mapreduce(f, op, v0, itr)` is deprecated, use `mapreduce(f, op, itr; init=v0)` instead
│   caller = num_velocities(::Mechanism{Float64}) at mechanism.jl:124
└ @ RigidBodyDynamics mechanism.jl:124
┌ Warning: `mapreduce(f, op, v0, itr)` is deprecated, use `mapreduce(f, op, itr; init=v0)` instead
│   caller = num_constraints(::Mechanism{Float64}) at mechanism.jl:131
└ @ RigidBodyDynamics mechanism.jl:131
┌ Warning: `copy!(dst::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray)` is deprecated. You can either use `copyto!(dst, src)` or `Future.copy!(dst, src)` instead.
│   caller = mom!(::Array{Float64,1}, ::SegmentedVector{JointID,Float64,Base.OneTo{JointID},Array{Float64,1}}) at Derivatives and gradients using ForwardDiff.ipynb:In[13]:11
└ @ Main.##376 Derivatives and gradients using ForwardDiff.ipynb:In[13]:11
┌ Warning: `copy!(dst::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray)` is deprecated. You can either use `copyto!(dst, src)` or `Future.copy!(dst, src)` instead.
│   caller = mom!(::Array{ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{typeof(Main.##376.mom!),Float64},Float64,2},1}, ::SegmentedVector{JointID,ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{typeof(Main.##376.mom!),Float64},Float64,2},Base.OneTo{JointID},Array{ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{typeof(Main.##376.mom!),Float64},Float64,2},1}}) at Derivatives and gradients using ForwardDiff.ipynb:In[13]:11
└ @ Main.##376 Derivatives and gradients using ForwardDiff.ipynb:In[13]:11
Test Summary:                               | Pass  Total
Derivatives and gradients using ForwardDiff |    6      6
WARNING: importing deprecated binding Base.eye into ##402.
WARNING: Base.eye is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package `LinearAlgebra`.
Add `using LinearAlgebra` to your imports.
  likely near /Users/twan/.julia/dev/RigidBodyDynamics/notebooks/Four-bar linkage - simulation and visualization.ipynb:In[4]:5
┌ Warning: `sum(a::AbstractArray, dims)` is deprecated, use `sum(a, dims=dims)` instead.
│   caller = ButcherTableau(::Array{Float64,2}, ::Array{Float64,1}) at ode_integrators.jl:36
└ @ RigidBodyDynamics.OdeIntegrators ode_integrators.jl:36
Test Summary:                                   |
Four-bar linkage - simulation and visualization | No tests
WARNING: importing deprecated binding Base.srand into ##403.
WARNING: Base.srand is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package `Random`.
Add `using Random` to your imports.
  likely near /Users/twan/.julia/dev/RigidBodyDynamics/notebooks/Jacobian_IK_and_Control.ipynb:In[1]:5
WARNING: importing deprecated binding Base.Pkg into ##403.
WARNING: Base.Pkg is deprecated, run `using Pkg` instead
  likely near /Users/twan/.julia/dev/RigidBodyDynamics/notebooks/Jacobian_IK_and_Control.ipynb:In[2]:1
┌ Warning: Pkg.dir is only kept for legacy CI script reasons
└ @ Pkg.API API.jl:432
WARNING: importing deprecated binding Base.rand! into ##403.
WARNING: Base.rand! is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package `Random`.
Add `using Random` to your imports.
  likely near /Users/twan/.julia/dev/RigidBodyDynamics/notebooks/Jacobian_IK_and_Control.ipynb:In[7]:1
┌ Warning: Deprecated syntax `implicit assignment to global variable `desired``.
│ Use `global desired` instead.
└ @ none:0
┌ Warning: `linspace(start, stop, length::Integer)` is deprecated, use `range(start, stop=stop, length=length)` instead.
│   caller = top-level scope at none:0 [inlined]
└ @ Core none:0
Test Summary:           |
Jacobian_IK_and_Control | No tests
┌ Warning: The postfix .' syntax is deprecated. For vector v in v.', use transpose(v) instead. For matrix A in A.', use copy(transpose(A)) instead, unless A.' appears as an argument of *, / or \. In those cases, use transpose(A) instead. 
└ @ none:0
WARNING: importing deprecated binding Base.eye into ##404.
WARNING: Base.eye is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package `LinearAlgebra`.
Add `using LinearAlgebra` to your imports.
  likely near /Users/twan/.julia/dev/RigidBodyDynamics/notebooks/Quickstart - double pendulum.ipynb:In[6]:1
┌ Warning: The postfix .' syntax is deprecated. For vector v in v.', use transpose(v) instead. For matrix A in A.', use copy(transpose(A)) instead, unless A.' appears as an argument of *, / or \. In those cases, use transpose(A) instead. 
└ @ none:0
┌ Warning: using `A[I...] = x` to implicitly broadcast `x` across many locations is deprecated. Use `A[I...] .= x` instead.
│   caller = top-level scope at none:0
└ @ Core none:0
┌ Warning: using `A[I...] = x` to implicitly broadcast `x` across many locations is deprecated. Use `A[I...] .= x` instead.
│   caller = top-level scope at none:0
└ @ Core none:0
Test Summary:                |
Quickstart - double pendulum | No tests

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tkoolen commented 6 years ago
