JuliaSIMD / LoopVectorization.jl

Macro(s) for vectorizing loops.
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Support for complex numbers? #19

Open hofmannmartin opened 4 years ago

hofmannmartin commented 4 years ago

Does LoopVectorization support complex vectors? E.g.

using LoopVectorization

function test_avx!(x::Vector, y::Vector, beta)
  @avx for n=1:length(x)
    x[n] += conj(beta)*y[n]

# set up
T = ComplexF32
N = 1024

x = zeros(T,N)
y = rand(T,N)
β = rand(T)
# end set up


gives me the following error

KeyError: key Complex{Float32} not found

 [1] getindex at ./dict.jl:477 [inlined]
 [2] llvmtype(::Type) at /home/moeddel/.julia/packages/VectorizationBase/hBLD0/src/vectorizable.jl:21
 [3] #s24#123 at /home/moeddel/.julia/packages/SIMDPirates/aKvPC/src/memory.jl:94 [inlined]
 [4] #s24#123(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Type, ::Any, ::Type, ::Any) at ./none:0
 [5] (::Core.GeneratedFunctionStub)(::Any, ::Vararg{Any,N} where N) at ./boot.jl:524
 [6] vload at /home/moeddel/.julia/packages/SIMDPirates/aKvPC/src/memory.jl:218 [inlined]
 [7] macro expansion at ./gcutils.jl:91 [inlined]
 [8] test_avm!(::Array{Complex{Float32},1}, ::Array{Complex{Float32},1}, ::Complex{Float32}) at ./In[26]:4
chriselrod commented 4 years ago

No, not yet. Sometime after #17 we could add complex number support.

For now, I'd follow the dealing-with-structs approach from the README.

Note that StructArrays will be faster than the eventual support for arrays of structs.

lesshaste commented 4 years ago

+1 for complex number support. It's also an opportunity to be faster than C compiled with gcc/clang which does a bad job of vectorizing complex arithmetic. See https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=79102 , https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=79336, https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31800 , https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31677

hofmannmartin commented 4 years ago

I managed to get it working

function test_avx!(xre::Vector{T}, xim::Vector{T}, βre::T, βim::T, Are::Matrix{T}, Aim::Matrix{T}, k::Int) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
    @avx for i ∈ 1:length(xre)
        xre[i] += βre*Are[i,k] + βim*Aim[i,k]
        xim[i] += βre*Aim[i,k] - βim*Are[i,k]

function test_avx!(x::StructVector{Complex{T}}, β::Complex{T}, A::StructArray{Complex{T},2}, k::Int) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
    test_avx!(x.re, x.im, β.re, β.im, A.re , A.im, k)

and the performance is actually slightly faster than my earlier implementation which uses VectorizationBase and SIMDPirates directly to handle complex arrays. This is not surprising since the complex multiplication requires shuffling of the Numbers in the registers in this case.

Investigating the assembly I found that @avx does not seem to unroll the loop.

    vmovups (%rbx,%rsi,4), %ymm4
    vmovups (%rax,%rsi,4), %ymm5
    vmulps  %ymm5, %ymm2, %ymm6
    vfmadd231ps %ymm4, %ymm3, %ymm6
    vaddps  (%r15,%rsi,4), %ymm6, %ymm6
    vmulps  %ymm5, %ymm3, %ymm5
    vfmsub231ps %ymm4, %ymm2, %ymm5
    vaddps  (%rdx,%rsi,4), %ymm5, %ymm4
    vmovups %ymm6, (%r15,%rsi,4)
    vmovups %ymm4, (%rdx,%rsi,4)
    addq    $8, %rsi
    cmpq    %rdi, %rsi
    jl  L80

Is this intentional?

hofmannmartin commented 4 years ago

+1 for complex number support. It's also an opportunity to be faster than C compiled with gcc/clang which does a bad job of vectorizing complex arithmetic.

Speaking of which I find especially interesting is that the native julia (version 1.3) implementation

function test!(A, x, k, beta)
  @simd for n=1:size(A,2)
    @inbounds x[n] += beta*conj(A[k,n])

produces quite different asambly depending on the input types. For ComplesF64 it does not vectorize at all

    vmovsd  -8(%rcx,%rdx), %xmm3    # xmm3 = mem[0],zero
    vmovsd  (%rcx,%rdx), %xmm4      # xmm4 = mem[0],zero
    vxorpd  %xmm2, %xmm4, %xmm4
    vunpcklpd   %xmm4, %xmm3, %xmm5 # xmm5 = xmm3[0],xmm4[0]
    vmulpd  %xmm0, %xmm5, %xmm5
    vunpcklpd   %xmm3, %xmm4, %xmm3 # xmm3 = xmm4[0],xmm3[0]
    vmulpd  %xmm3, %xmm1, %xmm3
    vaddsubpd   %xmm3, %xmm5, %xmm3
    vaddpd  (%rax,%rdx), %xmm3, %xmm3
    vmovupd %xmm3, (%rax,%rdx)
    addq    $1, %rsi
    addq    $16, %rdx
    cmpq    %rdi, %rsi
    jb  L96

whereas it completely screws up with ComplexF32

    vpsllq  $3, %ymm5, %ymm9
    vmovq   %rax, %xmm2
    vpbroadcastq    %xmm2, %ymm2
    vpaddq  %ymm9, %ymm2, %ymm9
    vpsllq  $3, %ymm4, %ymm11
    vpaddq  %ymm11, %ymm2, %ymm2
    vpcmpeqd    %xmm3, %xmm3, %xmm3
    vgatherqps  %xmm3, (,%ymm2), %xmm1
    vpcmpeqd    %xmm3, %xmm3, %xmm3
    vgatherqps  %xmm3, (,%ymm9), %xmm11
    vpcmpeqd    %xmm3, %xmm3, %xmm3
    vmovdqu 96(%rsp), %ymm0
    vpaddq  %ymm4, %ymm0, %ymm14
    vpaddq  %ymm5, %ymm0, %ymm15
    vpaddq  %ymm13, %ymm9, %ymm9
    vpsllq  $3, %ymm15, %ymm15
    vmovq   %r10, %xmm10
    vpbroadcastq    %xmm10, %ymm10
    vpaddq  %ymm15, %ymm10, %ymm15
    vpsllq  $3, %ymm14, %ymm14
    vpaddq  %ymm14, %ymm10, %ymm10
    vpaddq  %ymm13, %ymm2, %ymm2
    vpcmpeqd    %xmm6, %xmm6, %xmm6
    vgatherqps  %xmm6, (,%ymm10), %xmm7
    vpcmpeqd    %xmm6, %xmm6, %xmm6
    vgatherqps  %xmm6, (,%ymm15), %xmm14
    vpaddq  %ymm13, %ymm10, %ymm6
    vgatherqps  %xmm3, (,%ymm2), %xmm0
    vpcmpeqd    %xmm2, %xmm2, %xmm2
    vgatherqps  %xmm2, (,%ymm6), %xmm3
    vpcmpeqd    %xmm2, %xmm2, %xmm2
    vgatherqps  %xmm2, (,%ymm9), %xmm6
    vinsertf128 $1, %xmm1, %ymm11, %ymm2
    vinsertf128 $1, %xmm7, %ymm14, %ymm7
    vpaddq  %ymm13, %ymm15, %ymm10
    vpcmpeqd    %xmm1, %xmm1, %xmm1
    vinsertf128 $1, %xmm0, %ymm6, %ymm0
    vgatherqps  %xmm1, (,%ymm10), %xmm6
    vinsertf128 $1, %xmm3, %ymm6, %ymm1
    vmovups 64(%rsp), %ymm10
    vmulps  %ymm10, %ymm7, %ymm3
    vmovups 32(%rsp), %ymm11
    vmulps  %ymm1, %ymm11, %ymm6
    vaddps  %ymm6, %ymm3, %ymm3
    vmulps  %ymm1, %ymm10, %ymm1
    vmulps  %ymm11, %ymm7, %ymm6
    vaddps  %ymm3, %ymm2, %ymm2
    vsubps  %ymm1, %ymm6, %ymm1
    vaddps  %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm0
    vmovq   %xmm9, %rdx
    vunpckhps   %xmm0, %xmm2, %xmm1 # xmm1 = xmm2[2],xmm0[2],xmm2[3],xmm0[3]
    vunpcklps   %xmm0, %xmm2, %xmm3 # xmm3 = xmm2[0],xmm0[0],xmm2[1],xmm0[1]
    vinsertf128 $1, %xmm1, %ymm3, %ymm1
    vextractf128    $1, %ymm0, %xmm0
    vextractf128    $1, %ymm2, %xmm2
    vunpckhps   %xmm0, %xmm2, %xmm3 # xmm3 = xmm2[2],xmm0[2],xmm2[3],xmm0[3]
    vunpcklps   %xmm0, %xmm2, %xmm0 # xmm0 = xmm2[0],xmm0[0],xmm2[1],xmm0[1]
    vmovups %ymm1, -4(%rdx)
    vinsertf128 $1, %xmm3, %ymm0, %ymm0
    vmovdqu (%rsp), %ymm1
    vpaddq  %ymm1, %ymm4, %ymm4
    vpaddq  %ymm1, %ymm5, %ymm5
    addq    $-8, %rsi
    vmovups %ymm0, 28(%rdx)
    jne L240
chriselrod commented 4 years ago

The complex support that will be added will be worse than using StructArrays, so you won't do better than the test_avx! implementation (barring other improvements in the library). Depending on architecture, it might end up producing code like the completely screwed up ComplexF32 example.

Did you try test!, using those StructArrays as arguments? You noted that @avx being faster wasn't surprising because the StructArrays save you from any shuffling. LLVM will also take advantage of that to produce much nicer code. It might do just as well as avx. (If it does better than @avx, file an issue, and I'll try and find out why / how to improve.)

Also, to be pedantic, the ComplesF64 code with @simd did actually vectorize:

    vunpcklpd   %xmm4, %xmm3, %xmm5 # xmm5 = xmm3[0],xmm4[0]
    vmulpd  %xmm0, %xmm5, %xmm5
    vunpcklpd   %xmm3, %xmm4, %xmm3 # xmm3 = xmm4[0],xmm3[0]
    vmulpd  %xmm3, %xmm1, %xmm3
    vaddsubpd   %xmm3, %xmm5, %xmm3
    vaddpd  (%rax,%rdx), %xmm3, %xmm3
    vmovupd %xmm3, (%rax,%rdx)

The suffix on all of these instructions is pd. This means "packed double", ie, packed double precision vectors. If it were not vectorized at all, the suffix would be sd for "single double" (eg, it would use vmulsd instead of vmulpd).

However, the xmm registers are only 128 bits, meaning they are operations on packed doubles of 2 Float64. This is roughly twice as good as sd operations, but only half as good as it would have been had the registers been ymm. LLVM probably decided all the shuffling it would take (like you see in the ComplexF32 code) would not have been worth it, and would've made the code slower.

Investigating the assembly I found that @avx does not seem to unroll the loop. Is this intentional?

It is intentional.

I normally introspect via print debugging with revise. Obviously not a good idea for anyone not familiar with the code, and I'd prefer most people to be on tagged releases rather than dev-ing the library. So I'll add more functions for introspection, and document them when I write documentation.

For now, you can at least do this to see what it decides (although not why):

using LoopVectorization
testq = :(for i ∈ 1:length(xre)
        xre[i] += βre*Are[i,k] + βim*Aim[i,k]
        xim[i] += βre*Aim[i,k] - βim*Are[i,k]
lstest = LoopVectorization.LoopSet(testq);
# ([:i], :i, 1, -1)

The four returned values mean:

  1. The order it'll nest the loops, from outer-most to inner-most.
  2. The loop from which it'll load contiguous SIMD vectors.
  3. The unroll factor: 1, as you noted.
  4. The tiling factor. If -1, it won't.

As for why it won't unroll, I have it tuned to be fairly conservative when there aren't any loop-carried dependencies.* When a loop iteration depends on the previous one, but things are more or less associative (eg, a dot product), you can unroll to have several independent dependency chains that can be evaluated in parallel. However, if you don't have any such dependency chains, out-of-order execution shouldn't need extra help in speculatively evaluating multiple loop iterations in parallel.

*This is a heuristic that could use tuning. Currently, if there are no loop carried dependencies, it will check if there is only a single loop (as in your case) and return 1 if so. Otherwise, it will use:

min(4, round(Int, (compute_rt + load_rt + 1) / compute_rt))

Where compute_rt and load_rt are the estimated summed reciprical throughputs of "compute" and "load" instructions. Optionally greater than 1, because there is a cost to traversing strides.

There are certainly much smarter and more principled ways this can be done.

chriselrod commented 4 years ago

Thanks @lesshaste , I'll check out those bug reports.

hofmannmartin commented 4 years ago

Did you try test!, using those StructArrays as arguments? You noted that @avx being faster wasn't surprising because the StructArrays save you from any shuffling. LLVM will also take advantage of that to produce much nicer code. It might do just as well as avx. (If it does better than @avx, file an issue, and I'll try and find out why / how to improve.)

Good point I tried out using only the structs

function test_struct!(xre::Vector{T}, xim::Vector{T}, βre::T, βim::T, Are::Matrix{T}, Aim::Matrix{T}, k::Int) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
    for i ∈ 1:length(xre)
        xre[i] += βre*Are[i,k] + βim*Aim[i,k]
        xim[i] += βre*Aim[i,k] - βim*Are[i,k]

function test_struct!(x::StructVector{Complex{T}}, β::Complex{T}, A::StructArray{Complex{T},2}, k::Int) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
    test_avx!(x.re, x.im, β.re, β.im, A.re , A.im, k)

and in fact LLVM does produce exactly the same low level code so @avx is actually not needed here.

Also, to be pedantic, the ComplesF64 code with @simd did actually vectorize:

True it did vectorize, however quite suboptimal.

For now, you can at least do this to see what it decides (although not why):

using LoopVectorization
testq = :(for i ∈ 1:length(xre)
        xre[i] += βre*Are[i,k] + βim*Aim[i,k]
        xim[i] += βre*Aim[i,k] - βim*Are[i,k]
lstest = LoopVectorization.LoopSet(testq);
# ([:i], :i, 1, -1)

The four returned values mean:

1. The order it'll nest the loops, from outer-most to inner-most.

2. The loop from which it'll load contiguous SIMD vectors.

3. The unroll factor: 1, as you noted.

4. The tiling factor. If `-1`, it won't.

As for why it won't unroll, I have it tuned to be fairly conservative when there aren't any loop-carried dependencies.* When a loop iteration depends on the previous one, but things are more or less associative (eg, a dot product), you can unroll to have several independent dependency chains that can be evaluated in parallel. However, if you don't have any such dependency chains, out-of-order execution shouldn't need extra help in speculatively evaluating multiple loop iterations in parallel.

*This is a heuristic that could use tuning. Currently, if there are no loop carried dependencies, it will check if there is only a single loop (as in your case) and return 1 if so. Otherwise, it will use:

min(4, round(Int, (compute_rt + load_rt + 1) / compute_rt))

Where compute_rt and load_rt are the estimated summed reciprical throughputs of "compute" and "load" instructions. Optionally greater than 1, because there is a cost to traversing strides.

There are certainly much smarter and more principled ways this can be done.

Thank you for this insight. I was just asking since I found that my earlier implementation which uses VectorizationBase and SIMDPirates on Complex Arrays did profit from loop unroling (over 20% perfromance increase).

    vmovups (%rcx,%rsi), %ymm2
    vmovups (%rdx,%rsi), %ymm3
    vfmadd231ps %ymm0, %ymm2, %ymm3
    vpermilps   $177, %ymm2, %ymm2 # ymm2 = ymm2[1,0,3,2,5,4,7,6]
    vfmadd213ps %ymm3, %ymm1, %ymm2
    vmovups %ymm2, (%rdx,%rsi)
    addq    $32, %rsi
    addq    $-1, %rbp
    jne L304


    vmovups -96(%rdi,%rsi), %ymm2
    vmovups -64(%rdi,%rsi), %ymm3
    vmovups -32(%rdi,%rsi), %ymm4
    vmovups (%rdi,%rsi), %ymm5
    vmovups -96(%rdx,%rsi), %ymm6
    vfmadd231ps %ymm1, %ymm2, %ymm6
    vpermilps   $177, %ymm2, %ymm2 # ymm2 = ymm2[1,0,3,2,5,4,7,6]
    vfmadd213ps %ymm6, %ymm0, %ymm2
    vmovups %ymm2, -96(%rdx,%rsi)
    vmovups -64(%rdx,%rsi), %ymm2
    vfmadd231ps %ymm1, %ymm3, %ymm2
    vpermilps   $177, %ymm3, %ymm3 # ymm3 = ymm3[1,0,3,2,5,4,7,6]
    vfmadd213ps %ymm2, %ymm0, %ymm3
    vmovups %ymm3, -64(%rdx,%rsi)
    vmovups -32(%rdx,%rsi), %ymm2
    vfmadd231ps %ymm1, %ymm4, %ymm2
    vpermilps   $177, %ymm4, %ymm3 # ymm3 = ymm4[1,0,3,2,5,4,7,6]
    vfmadd213ps %ymm2, %ymm0, %ymm3
    vmovups %ymm3, -32(%rdx,%rsi)
    vmovups (%rdx,%rsi), %ymm2
    vfmadd231ps %ymm1, %ymm5, %ymm2
    vpermilps   $177, %ymm5, %ymm3 # ymm3 = ymm5[1,0,3,2,5,4,7,6]
    vfmadd213ps %ymm2, %ymm0, %ymm3
    vmovups %ymm3, (%rdx,%rsi)
    subq    $-128, %rsi
    addq    $-1, %rcx
    jne L272

Would it be possible to provide a method to somehow override the heuristic for manual fine tuning?

chriselrod commented 4 years ago

Disappointing, I really expected this to be good enough:

function test!(x, a, beta)
    @inbounds @simd ivdep for n = 1:size(a,2)
        x[n] += beta * conj(a[n])
N = 1024;
T = ComplexF32
x = rand(T, N);
a = rand(T,N);
beta = rand(T);
@code_native debuginfo=:none test!(x, a, beta) # not vectorized
using StructArrays
xsoa = StructArray(x);
asoa = StructArray(a);
@code_native debuginfo=:none test!(xsoa, asoa, beta) # also not vectorized =(

You shouldn't have to do things manually.

did profit from loop unroling (over 20% perfromance increase).

Interesting. Sounds like I'll have to change the heuristic. I'll add an option for overriding the heuristic. That would make it a lot easier to try different things, and thus discover when the heuristic needs work. Ideally it's made as robust as possible to save everyone's time from having to fiddle with settings. One of my motivations behind this library was to automate the fiddling I had been doing.

Tiling shouldn't be overridden for code other people run, because the optimal values are platform dependent.

hofmannmartin commented 4 years ago

Disappointing, I really expected this to be good enough:

Would have been nice.

Interesting. Sounds like I'll have to change the heuristic.

It was actually a post on julia dicourse and the openblas cdot kernel which had me try unrolling the loop.

This may be a stupid question, but can the out-of-order execution work across such a loop?

    vmovups (%rcx,%rsi), %ymm2
    vmovups (%rdx,%rsi), %ymm3
    vfmadd231ps %ymm0, %ymm2, %ymm3
    vpermilps   $177, %ymm2, %ymm2 # ymm2 = ymm2[1,0,3,2,5,4,7,6]
    vfmadd213ps %ymm3, %ymm1, %ymm2
    vmovups %ymm2, (%rdx,%rsi)
    addq    $32, %rsi
    addq    $-1, %rbp
    jne L304

Will it not be blocked, since in each iteration values are loaded into the ymm2 and ymm3 register, so it can only proceed, once vmovups %ymm2, (%rdx,%rsi). respectively vfmadd213ps %ymm3, %ymm1, %ymm2 have been executed? Would at least explain the gain I saw.

I'll add an option for overriding the heuristic. That would make it a lot easier to try different things, and thus discover when the heuristic needs work. Ideally it's made as robust as possible to save everyone's time from having to fiddle with settings. One of my motivations behind this library was to automate the fiddling I had been doing.

Would be perfect for testing. Final usage of the package is a different story. There you do not want to fiddle around with these settings.

chriselrod commented 4 years ago

I added the ability to manually specify the unroll factor in v0.3.8, via specifying unroll = U or tile = (U,T) where U and T are integer literals (ie, they can't be symbols).

can the out-of-order execution work across such a loop?

Register renaming:

This technique is used to eliminate false data dependencies arising from the reuse of registers by successive instructions that do not have any real data dependencies between them. The elimination of these false data dependencies reveals more instruction-level parallelism in an instruction stream, which can be exploited by various and complementary techniques such as superscalar and out-of-order execution for better performance.

Seems as though it is not enough. There is also still a dependency chain in the loop counter.

The difference isn't close to as extreme as when we have real loop carried dependencies:

julia> using BenchmarkTools, LoopVectorization

julia> function selfdotu1(x)
           s = zero(eltype(x))
           @avx unroll=1 for i ∈ eachindex(x)
               s += x[i]*x[i]
selfdotu1 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function selfdotu2(x)
           s = zero(eltype(x))
           @avx unroll=2 for i ∈ eachindex(x)
               s += x[i]*x[i]
selfdotu2 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function selfdotu4(x)
           s = zero(eltype(x))
           @avx unroll=4 for i ∈ eachindex(x)
               s += x[i]*x[i]
selfdotu4 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function selfdotu8(x)
           s = zero(eltype(x))
           @avx unroll=8 for i ∈ eachindex(x)
               s += x[i]*x[i]
selfdotu8 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> x = rand(1024);

julia> @btime selfdotu1($x)
  138.725 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime selfdotu2($x)
  81.118 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime selfdotu4($x)
  57.550 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime selfdotu8($x)
  45.087 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

but even 10% is nothing to scoff at, so I changed the heuristic with something that makes your example unroll by 4.

hofmannmartin commented 4 years ago

I added the ability to manually specify the unroll factor in v0.3.8, via specifying unroll = U or tile = (U,T) where U and T are integer literals (ie, they can't be symbols).

You are fast. Thank you.

but even 10% is nothing to scoff at, so I changed the heuristic with something that makes your example unroll by 4.

Overall if I compare the native julia implementation working on the complex arrays with the one working on structs boosted by @avx (which now unrolls) I get a speedup of 12. This is awesome.

AshtonSBradley commented 2 years ago

I added the ability to manually specify the unroll factor in v0.3.8, via specifying unroll = U or tile = (U,T) where U and T are integer literals (ie, they can't be symbols).

You are fast. Thank you.

but even 10% is nothing to scoff at, so I changed the heuristic with something that makes your example unroll by 4.

Overall if I compare the native julia implementation working on the complex arrays with the one working on structs boosted by @avx (which now unrolls) I get a speedup of 12. This is awesome.

Great to see this comparison and the unrolling. To clarify: is the factor of 12 achieved with something like unroll=8 applied to test_avx!?


function test_avx!(xre::Vector{T}, xim::Vector{T}, βre::T, βim::T, Are::Matrix{T}, Aim::Matrix{T}, k::Int) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
    @avx unroll=8 for i ∈ 1:length(xre)
        xre[i] += βre*Are[i,k] + βim*Aim[i,k]
        xim[i] += βre*Aim[i,k] - βim*Are[i,k]

function test_avx!(x::StructVector{Complex{T}}, β::Complex{T}, A::StructArray{Complex{T},2}, k::Int) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
    test_avx!(x.re, x.im, β.re, β.im, A.re , A.im, k)

Does it matter if arrays are three-dimensional?

chriselrod commented 2 years ago

unroll=8 should be unnecessary.

It should work for multidimensional arrays.

felixhorger commented 2 years ago

Hi All,

Note that there another possibility of using complex numbers with LoopVectorization: Instead of having separate arrays containing real & imaginary parts, you can just reinterpret the complex array x with

y = reinterpret(real(typeof(x)), x)

which could be made more convenient by using

y = reshape(y, 2, size(x)...)

on it. For example, the real part is then y[1, ...]. I haven't checked the performance of this, but it runs fast enough for my use case so I wanted to point it out here :)


hofmannmartin commented 2 years ago

You are right. This is also how I solved my problem in the end. Using reinterpret and hand crafting a kernel for my function

function test!(x::Vector, y::Vector, beta)
  for n=1:length(x)
    x[n] += conj(beta)*y[n]

Initially however, my question was aiming towards a solution, which does not require a hand crafted kernel.

chriselrod commented 2 years ago

which could be made more convenient by using

Note that as of Julia 1.6, you can use reinterpret(reshape, real(typeof(x)), x) instead, to combine it into one step. Doing this should yield slightly better performance than doing it in two steps, as this way LoopVectorization/VectorizationBase will know exactly what stride(y, 2) equals at compile time, allowing it to generate a better sequence of shuffle instructions to do the AoS<->SoA conversion.

You can see a few examples here: https://github.com/JuliaSIMD/LoopVectorization.jl/blob/master/test/shuffleloadstores.jl

my question was aiming towards a solution, which does not require a hand crafted kernel.

I am very slowly rewriting LoopVectorization. The rewrite will be able to handle this automatically, i.e. you'll be able to use Complex numbers directly.