JuliaServices / Match.jl

Advanced Pattern Matching for Julia
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Example fails to compile #93

Open cbsteh opened 1 year ago

cbsteh commented 1 year ago

The following example in the documentation fails to compile. The error message is The typePersonhas 3 fields but the pattern expects 1 fields.

personinfo(person) = @match person begin
  Person("Julia", lname,  _)           => "Found Julia $lname"
  Person(fname, "Julia", _)            => "$fname Julia was here!"
  Person(fname, lname,
         Address(_, "Cambridge", zip)) => "$fname $lname lives in zip $zip"
  Person(_...)                         => "Unknown person!"   # this line fails

The following change corrects the problem:

personinfo(person) = @match person begin
  Person("Julia", lname,  _)           => "Found Julia $lname"
  Person(fname, "Julia", _)            => "$fname Julia was here!"
  Person(fname, lname,
         Address(_, "Cambridge", zip)) => "$fname $lname lives in zip $zip"
  Person(_, _, _)                      => "Unknown person!"


personinfo(person::Person) = @match person begin
  Person("Julia", lname,  _)           => "Found Julia $lname"
  Person(fname, "Julia", _)            => "$fname Julia was here!"
  Person(fname, lname,
         Address(_, "Cambridge", zip)) => "$fname $lname lives in zip $zip"
  _                                    => "Unknown person!"