JuliaSmoothOptimizers / ADNLPModels.jl

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Add CITATION.cff #212

Closed tmigot closed 4 months ago

tmigot commented 5 months ago

close #207

The bibtex generated by github is:

@software{Migot_ADNLPModels_jl_Automatic_Differentiation, author = {Migot, Tangi and Montoison, Alexis and Orban, Dominique and Soares Siqueira, Abel and contributors}, license = {MPL-2.0}, title = {{ADNLPModels.jl: Automatic Differentiation models implementing the NLPModels API}}, url = {https://github.com/JuliaSmoothOptimizers/ADNLPModels.jl} }

codecov[bot] commented 5 months ago

Codecov Report

All modified and coverable lines are covered by tests :white_check_mark:

Comparison is base (0eb4baf) 95.18% compared to head (f07cac6) 95.19%. Report is 1 commits behind head on main.

Additional details and impacted files ```diff @@ Coverage Diff @@ ## main #212 +/- ## ======================================= Coverage 95.18% 95.19% ======================================= Files 14 14 Lines 1642 1644 +2 ======================================= + Hits 1563 1565 +2 Misses 79 79 ```

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github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago
Package name latest stable
amontoison commented 5 months ago

I just have a minor comment. Otherwise, it looks good to me.

abelsiqueira commented 5 months ago

That’s great, but what BibTeX style recognizes @software???

Here's the relevant discussion on why GitHub parses the CFF into @software: https://github.com/citation-file-format/ruby-cff/issues/40

dpo commented 5 months ago

I don't know a single journal that uses BibLaTeX. Some still require explicit \bibitem{...}. In fact, most still use LaTeX (not pdfLaTeX).

dpo commented 5 months ago

I just saw https://github.com/citation-file-format/ruby-cff/issues/40#issuecomment-903684216. That's encouraging. Could you please check that the SIAM and Springer styles behave that way?

abelsiqueira commented 5 months ago

I don't think it matters whether it works for some style, these are two different things. CFF has the metadata for software citation that is useful for Zenodo and possibly other metadata ingesting tool. In particular, the cite me button on GitHub translates to bibtex, which people might want to use to cite. If that doesn't work because it's @software, it might fall back to @misc. If that doesn't work, they'll go back to the DOI and cite that. If we have a paper related to this software, we can append that to CITATION.cff with the field preferred-citation, and the file will keep working for all main purposes.

tmigot commented 4 months ago

I just checked on Overleaf with a couple of projects using Springer \documentclass[smallextended]{svjour3} and it does uses Misc automatically it seems.

dpo commented 4 months ago

It matters. We’re citing packages all the time in our papers. So if common styles, such as Springer or SIAM didn’t support @software, it would become a real drag. But fortunately, it appears that that is not the case.