JuliaSmoothOptimizers / FluxNLPModels.jl

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Add Readme #2

Closed tmigot closed 1 year ago

tmigot commented 1 year ago

I would copy-paste and fill in this one https://github.com/JuliaSmoothOptimizers/JSOTemplate.jl/blob/main/README.md

you can also take this as an example


tmigot commented 1 year ago

Usually https://github.com/Farhad-phd/FluxNLPModels.jl/blob/main/docs/src/index.md is the same as the readme without the badges.

farhadrclass commented 1 year ago

Added the read me Todo is make sure the links are working @tmigot would you be able to check this? also I wrote them as if the package is already added to JSO