JuliaSmoothOptimizers / JSOSuite.jl

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There should be a single connection to the "outside" #162

Open abelsiqueira opened 3 months ago

abelsiqueira commented 3 months ago

The pipeline should be clearer.

We should have a single "final" function, i.e., the last function in the pipeline, that will call solve!. This solve! call should resolve to the specific solver definition, while all others should dispatch to internal calls. Right now there are at least three places that call external functions:

To simplify argument passing, we should focus on a simpler pipeline. Something like

  1. minimize(args...; kwargs...) # Maybe some variants
  2. minimize(solver, nlp; kwargs...) with no variants
  3. solve!(solver, nlp, ...) external call

Then internally, we can a new function _create_problem that dispatches on the arguments, instead of minimize.

Then we have function 1 to create nlp, call select_optimizers, define the solver, and call function 2. Function 2 serves mainly to define our interface to call solve! (function 3).

Maybe we'll need an intermediary function.

tmigot commented 3 months ago

Ok, so minimize call _create_problem (if the argument is not an NLPModel) and then solve? I like the idea.