JuliaSmoothOptimizers / LinearOperators.jl

Linear Operators for Julia
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Quasi-Newton operators compatible with GPUs #327

Open tmigot opened 2 months ago

tmigot commented 2 months ago

I am wondering how much work it would be to make QN operators compatible with GPUs (CuArray for instance)?

Typically, my use case would be something like this

using CUDA, NLPModels, NLPModelsModifiers, NLPModelsTest
V = CuArray{Float64}
nlp = NLSLC(V)

list_QN = [LBFGSModel, LSR1Model, DiagonalPSBModel, DiagonalAndreiModel, SpectralGradientModel]
lnlp = list[1](nlp)
x = nlp.meta.x0
v = copy(x)
Hv = similar(x)
hprod!(lnlp, x, v, Hv)

These model modifiers internally call the QN operators from LinearOperators.jl, e.g. op = LBFGSOperator(T, nlp.meta.nvar).