JuliaSmoothOptimizers / SolverTools.jl

Tools for developing nonlinear optimization solvers.
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Eliminate BenchmarkProfiles.jl from the requirements. #44

Closed abelsiqueira closed 6 years ago

abelsiqueira commented 6 years ago

From #43

eliminate BenchmarkProfiles.jl from the requirements and only export the benchmark functions if it's installed

Using requires
export profile_solvers

profile_solvers(stats :: Dict{Symbol, Array{Int,2}}; kwargs...) = error("BenchmarkProfiles is not installed")

@require BenchmarkProfiles begin function profile_solvers(stats :: Dict{Symbol, Array{Int,2}}; kwargs...)

our current function

end end

dpo commented 6 years ago

Although now that I look, Requires.jl no longer supports Julia 0.5...