JuliaSpace / GMAT.jl

Run NASA's General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) from Julia
MIT License
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Windows: Julia 64 bit vs GMAT 32 bit #2

Closed loicspace closed 4 years ago

loicspace commented 6 years ago


Thanks for the package, it is awesome! I'm however trying to port my software from Linux to Windows and I'm now seeing that -- for some reason -- GMAT is only released in 32 bit for Windows. So my issue is not as much with Julia as it is with GMAT but I figured you might have some insight...

Does that mean I need to use a 32 bit Julia install as well to make this work? I did go that route to try it out but that breaks some other packages my software depends on, some don't seem to like running in 32 bit at all, or running a 32 bit version on a 64 bit machine, either way, a bunch of things break....

Thanks, Loic

helgee commented 6 years ago

You are correct, you need a 32 bit Julia. Apart from that I do not have much advice to offer, I am afraid.

loicspace commented 6 years ago

Argh I was afraid you'd say that. I may try to build a 64b GMAT from source and see if I can link that to your package. Experience -- and lack thereof -- with building NASA software on Windows tells me this may not get me anywhere tho.

I'm also going to post on the GMAT forum/email them regarding why it is not distributed as binary.

Thanks for the reply!

helgee commented 6 years ago

Have you opened a thread for this? I could not find it and would be interested in the answer as well.

helgee commented 6 years ago

For reference: We should try to to build our own GMAT binaries via https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/BinaryBuilder.jl

loicspace commented 6 years ago

Hi! Apologies, I only now have the chance to worry about that problem again... I never got the chance to post on the GMAT forum as I can't seem to receive any activation email...and I tried a couple different email accounts, SPAM filters,...

That Julia package does look interesting tho!

helgee commented 6 years ago

I have used it successfully just yesterday to build new binaries for ERFA and CSPICE. Since it is a cross-compilation environment, I am not sure how a GUI application like GMAT will react to it but I will certainly try it.

helgee commented 6 years ago

Notes to self:

helgee commented 6 years ago

Oh boy, what a mess. Building GMAT as a library would require some serious hacking (and cleaning up) of the build system.