JuliaSpaceMissionDesign / FrameTransformations.jl

A modern, high-performance and comprehensive set of tools for transformations between any standard and user-defined reference frame.
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v2.1 Revision #65

Open MicheleCeresoli opened 1 month ago

MicheleCeresoli commented 1 month ago

This is a list of points, in no particular order, that I think needs either fixing or minor changes:


I'm marking as accepted all the proposed changes that we agree would need to be implemented for the next release.

@andreapasquale94 what do you think?

andreapasquale94 commented 1 month ago

Fixed offset axes being registered as inertial is a mistake because they could be fixed with respect to a set rotating axes, making them non-inertial.

Agreed. I actually would remove completely the axes type.. remained there for "legacy" and it doesn't bring anything as is on the user to properly use axes.

What's the purpose of the FramePointFunctions{T, O}(fun::Function) and FrameAxesFunctions{O, N}(fun::Function)? In my understanding, the only case in which you would want to use the same functions across all orders is for fixed points, axes, or directions. However, they are not implemented in the corresponding functions.

True, as we use the generic axes/points builder we can remove them. As far as we find another way of avoiding closures for this:

@generated function FrameAxesFunctions{O, N}(fun::Function) where {O, N}
    expr = Expr(:call, :tuple)
    for i in 1:O 
                Expr(:curly, :FrameAxesFunWrapper, O, N),
    pexpr = Expr(
        Expr(:curly, :FrameAxesFunctions, O, N, 3O),

    return quote
        @inbounds $(pexpr)

function FrameAxesFunctions{O, N}() where {O, N}
    return FrameAxesFunctions{O, N}(t->Rotation{O, N}(N(1)I))

I would remove add_axes_root replacing it with add_axes_inertial, as it was in the previous release.

Agreed. That was somehow a placeholder method, we can keep the previous approach.

I believe the ForwardDiff APIs implementation for the Rotation object has been left out from this release (it was available in the previous one).

Yes, this was intentional. I would prefer to open a PR dedicated to AD only.

The SVectorNT constructor should be changed. At the moment, since it is a type alias of SVector it introduces two additional constructors on top of StaticArray's original implementation. However, since that is one of the most used packages in the Julia ecosystem, it could cause undesired behaviours and errors.

I agree, as we discussed, I would favor a re-introduction of Translations as an intermediate type here.

I am not a complete fan of the new ways a lot of constructors (e.g., in Rotation) have been re-written. I don't believe that manually building expressions in every scenario actually helps readability of what's going on.

That was an attempt to uniform the way of writing generated functions, as I'm not a fan of the "mixed" notation. After one got used to Expr, I think the readability is good enough.