JuliaSparse / SparseArrays.jl

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Displaying large sparse matrices in REPL takes too long #420

Open ma-sadeghi opened 11 months ago

ma-sadeghi commented 11 months ago

It's a minor issue, but I accidentally evaluated a large sparse matrix (~500M rows) in REPL and it caused a ~5-second freeze. Not sure what's happening under the hood but I assume it tries to output a faithful ascii representation of the sparsity pattern, but realizes that it's too large and then outputs a generic ascii diagram.

Update: I thought it was a precompilation thing, but upon re-evaluating, the same thing happened.

julia> A
506255563×506255563 SparseMatrixCSC{Float32, Int64} with 3384286971 stored entries:
ViralBShah commented 11 months ago

Try putting a ; at the end to suppress showing. I believe calculating the sparsity pattern for the display that is what is slowing things down.

ma-sadeghi commented 11 months ago

Try putting a ; at the end to suppress showing. I believe calculating the sparsity pattern for the display that is what is slowing things down.

Thanks for your reply. Yes, that works but I don't want to suppress the output. My point is that the display should be smart enough to handle these edge cases. As little and unimportant these issues are, they make for a bad user experience

ViralBShah commented 11 months ago

That is a very large matrix, and displaying it involves a fair bit of computation. There should hopefully be ways to compute it faster.

ma-sadeghi commented 11 months ago

Indeed, but the information displayed is basically its shape, and the number of nonzeros. The ASCII representation I believe (if I'm not mistaken) is a generic fallback (it's not the exact sparsity pattern), hence no heavy computation was required in the first place.

I propose for sufficiently large matrices, where the display function eventually falls back to a generic ASCII after wasting so much compute (and frustrating the user), the display function is short-circuited to avoid this.

PS. All of this is based on my assumption that what we see in such cases is indeed a fallback.

dkarrasch commented 11 months ago

I think what you see is your matrix. AFAIK there is no "generic show fallback" (what would it be?). The issue is that for very large matrices you can't have each entry be represented by pixel, so there needs to be some coarse-graining (the above mentioned "fair bit of computation") to decide which pixel should be plotted and which ones not.

ViralBShah commented 11 months ago

I assumed generic fallback meant showing just the size and nnz or just showing the first 5 entries or something that did not show the plot that we show right now.

jishnub commented 9 months ago

Perhaps a truncated version, where only the sparsity pattern of the corner blocks are displayed? This will match how large arrays are displayed.


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