JuliaSparse / SparseArrays.jl

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fast inplace broadcasting multiplication of SparseMatrixCSC and a Vector #47

Open oxinabox opened 6 years ago

oxinabox commented 6 years ago

I would like to know if this would be a good PR to the SparseArrays stdlib I can't workout what this operation is called. It does A.*b inplace for A::SparseMatrixCSC and a b::AbstractVector.

It seems loosely relevant to JuliaLang/julia#26561 (in that i was thinking about at that problem when I wrote it)

Inplace operations can avoid allocating memory so is faster.

using SparseArrays

function sparse_column_vecmul!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, x::AbstractVector{T}) where T
    size(A,2)==length(x) || DimensionMismatch()
    cols, rows, vals = findnz(A);

    x_val = @inbounds x[x_ii]
    rows_to_nan = Int64[]
    for A_ii in 1:length(rows)
        col= @inbounds cols[A_ii]
        row= @inbounds rows[A_ii]
        if row > x_ii #Note that our result is row sorted
            x_val = @inbounds x[x_ii]
            if !isfinite(x_val) 
                # Got to deal with this later, row will become dense.
                push!(rows_to_nan, row)
        @inbounds vals[A_ii]*=x_val

    # Go back and NaN any rows we have to
    for row in rows_to_nan
        for col in SparseArrays.nonzeroinds(@view(A[:,row]))
            # don't do the ones we already hit as they may be Inf (or NaN)
            @inbounds A[row,col] = T(NaN)



using BenchmarkTools
A = sprand(100,10,0.1)
x = rand(100)

Not a perfectly fair comparison as A was being mutated but i doubt that changed the timing.

over 7x speedup is not to be sneered at given how big sparse matrixes become.

mbauman commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure about what to call this function, but could we possibly do a pigeon-hole sort of optimization within the broadcast! definition itself when we detect this case?

bcsj commented 2 years ago

I guess I found a similar bottleneck today. But I think the improved computation can potentially be done in much fewer lines of code. https://discourse.julialang.org/t/speeding-up-elementwise-vector-sparsematrixcsc-multiplication-broadcasting/79437

stevengj commented 2 years ago

I can't workout what this operation is called.

mul!(A, Diagonal(b), A)
