JuliaStats / Distributions.jl

A Julia package for probability distributions and associated functions.
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Repeated draws from Multinomial causes: ERROR: prob must be in [0, 1] #165

Closed lejon closed 10 years ago

lejon commented 10 years ago


I think that I might have found a bug in the multinomial implementation. It seems that sometimes the binomial is given a p > 1 which I believe is caused by a rounding error. The problem can be reproduced with the below code:

$cat distr_bug.jl

using Distributions
alphas = fill(0.1, 10)
dir = Dirichlet(alphas)

cnt = 0
    dirdraw = rand(dir)
    if( mod(cnt, 1000) == 0)
        println("$cnt DIR: $dirdraw")
    mul = Multinomial(1,dirdraw)
    muldraw = rand(mul)
    cnt += 1

$ julia distr_bug.jl

ERROR: prob must be in [0, 1]
 in Binomial at /Users/lejon/.julia/Distributions/src/univariate/binomial.jl:7
 in multinom_rand! at /Users/lejon/.julia/Distributions/src/multivariate/multinomial.jl:135
 in anonymous at no file:12
 in include at boot.jl:238
 in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:119
 in process_options at client.jl:307
 in _start at client.jl:387
at /Users/lejon/Data/coding/julia/distr_bug.jl:14


Edit (kms): added formatting with triple ticks, for code readability

kmsquire commented 10 years ago

I tried to fix this the hard way, borrowing KBN summation from cumsum_kbn, but that didn't seem to fix it:

function multinom_rand!{T<:Real}(n::Int, p::Vector{Float64}, x::AbstractVector{T})
    while i < km1 && n > 0
        i += 1
        @inbounds pi = p[i]
        xi = rand(Binomial(n, pi / (rp+c)))
        @inbounds x[i] = xi
        n -= xi
        rp1 = rp - pi
        if abs(rp) >= abs(pi)
            c += ((rp-rp1) - pi)
            c += (rp - (rp1+pi))
        rp = rp1

julia> cnt = 0; while(true) 
          dirdraw = rand(dir)
          if( mod(cnt, 1000) == 0)
             println("$cnt DIR: $dirdraw")
          mul = Multinomial(1,dirdraw)
          muldraw = rand(mul)
          cnt += 1
0 DIR: 8656205104069296e-27

ERROR: prob must be in [0, 1] (got p=1.0000000000000002)
 in error at error.jl:21
 in Binomial at /home/kmsquire/.julia/v0.3/Distributions/src/univariate/binomial.jl:6
 in multinom_rand! at /home/kmsquire/.julia/v0.3/Distributions/src/multivariate/multinomial.jl:136
 in anonymous at no file:7

So, it looks like something more direct is needed (e.g., Binomial(n, min(pi / rp, 1.0))))

This still might cause problems if rp is ever less than zero (is that possible?), or alternatively, if rp > sum(p) which always causes probability mass to collect in the last position (which is extremely unlikely to actually cause any problems, but is theoretically possible.)

johnmyleswhite commented 10 years ago

Let's use the Binomial(n, min(pi / rp, 1.0)) fix for now. I don't have enough feel for floating point arithmetic to make this more stable otherwise. Maybe Dahua will have some insight?

johnmyleswhite commented 10 years ago

64625eccf1186ddda1615bfeeb749c56bd641dbf offers a quick fix. It would be good to see if we can come up with something cleaner, but this change seems almost uniformly better than just failing.

johnmyleswhite commented 10 years ago

Anyone have more thoughts on this? It worries me that we're getting floating point errors that break things, but I don't see an easy solution to this one. Maybe @StefanKarpinski will have some ideas.

lindahua commented 10 years ago

I am looking into this.

lindahua commented 10 years ago

I found a case that can reliably reproduce this issue:

p = [

Here is how the function proceeds:

i = 1, pi = 4.182606124264053e-27, rp = 1.0
i = 2, pi = 0.015712938543046305, rp = 1.0
i = 3, pi = 3.600131090855299e-5, rp = 0.9842870614569537
i = 4, pi = 3.6742804055163726e-5, rp = 0.9842510601460451
i = 5, pi = 0.3052582444314661, rp = 0.9842143173419899
i = 6, pi = 8.005659074715409e-7, rp = 0.6789560729105238
i = 7, pi = 0.06627521733229433, rp = 0.6789552723446164
i = 8, pi = 0.025244201528410688, rp = 0.612680055012322
i = 9, pi = 0.5874358534839115, rp = 0.5874358534839114

That's how pi ends up greater than rp (by a extremely small margin).

I am working on a better implementation of the sampling procedure.

johnmyleswhite commented 10 years ago

I'm hesitant to do this, but I wondered yesterday while making our quick fix if perhaps Binomial should tolerate values of p that are within a small epsilon on 0 and 1, transforming them into 0 and 1 respectively.

lindahua commented 10 years ago

This issue can be circumvented without changing the behavior of Binomial.

lindahua commented 10 years ago

A revised implementation in bd9cb6c.

Please take a look at it, and see if we need further efforts. We may close the issue if this version is satisfactory.

lindahua commented 10 years ago

I made some cosmetic modification. I think the current implementation is good enough for most purposes. I am closing this issue. Please feel free to reopen it if any problems come up later.

StefanKarpinski commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I don't know. Maxing out at 1.0 is what I've done when I've encountered this in the past. Not sure that it's the best solution possible, but it's certainly better than failing.