JuliaStats / Distributions.jl

A Julia package for probability distributions and associated functions.
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`rand(::Sampleable{Multivariate}, 0)` errors #1817

Closed btmit closed 6 months ago

btmit commented 6 months ago

Often we need to draw a number of samples from a distribution where that number might sometimes be 0: rand(d, 0). For custom multivariate distributions this throws an error. It seems to work for the built-in multivariate (e.g. MvNormal) and for custom univariate distributions.

using Distributions, Random

struct Foo <: Sampleable{Multivariate, Continuous} end

Base.length(::Foo) = 3
Base.eltype(::Foo) = Float64
Distributions._rand!(rng::AbstractRNG, ::Foo, x::AbstractVector{<:Real}) = Distributions.rand!(rng, x)

rand(Foo(), 0)

ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 3×0 Matrix{Float64} at index [1:3, 1] Stacktrace: [1] throw_boundserror(A::Matrix{Float64}, I::Tuple{Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, Int64}) @ Base ./abstractarray.jl:734 [2] checkbounds @ ./abstractarray.jl:699 [inlined] [3] view @ ./subarray.jl:179 [inlined] [4] EachVariate @ ~/.julia/packages/Distributions/km0AH/src/eachvariate.jl:10 [inlined] [5] eachvariate @ ~/.julia/packages/Distributions/km0AH/src/eachvariate.jl:31 [inlined] [6] _rand!(rng::TaskLocalRNG, s::Foo, x::Matrix{Float64}) @ Distributions ~/.julia/packages/Distributions/km0AH/src/genericrand.jl:116 [7] rand! @ Distributions ~/.julia/packages/Distributions/km0AH/src/genericrand.jl:108 [inlined] [8] rand @ Distributions ~/.julia/packages/Distributions/km0AH/src/multivariates.jl:23 [inlined] [9] rand(s::Foo, dims::Int64) @ Distributions ~/.julia/packages/Distributions/km0AH/src/genericrand.jl:22 [10] top-level scope @ REPL[38]:1