JuliaStats / Distributions.jl

A Julia package for probability distributions and associated functions.
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Generalized inverse Gaussian #554

Open patwa67 opened 7 years ago

patwa67 commented 7 years ago

Someone that plans to take on the task of implementing the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution? DOI: 10.1007/s11222-013-9387-3 https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/GIGrvg/GIGrvg.pdf

ararslan commented 7 years ago

I don't know that anyone here is already planning to take that on, so a PR would be welcome.

However, do note that the R code to which you linked it licensed under GPL. That means that you can't simply translate the code to Julia, since that would constitute a "derived work," and would require the Julia code to be licensed under GPL as well. We wouldn't be able to accept the PR, since this package is licensed under MIT.

Perhaps you already know all that, just figured I'd mention it just in case. 😉

patwa67 commented 7 years ago

I don't think I'm the right person to lead a PR for this as Julia is very new to me. I would be happy to follow the process if someone else could take the lead. There is very useful pseudo-code in the paper, but it would take weeks for me to get that into Julia.

ararslan commented 7 years ago

If it's something you'd be interested in doing then I encourage you to try your hand at it. I find things like this can be incredibly rewarding to work on, and if you need any guidance along the way I'd be happy to lend a hand. Up to you though; if you'd rather leave it to someone else that's of course totally fine as well. I just don't want you to feel like you can't or shouldn't just because you're new. Everyone starts somewhere!

patwa67 commented 7 years ago

I can give it a try, but would need help on how to start up the PR. Could you shortly outline how to do that?

ararslan commented 7 years ago

Of course! Here's my personally preferred workflow:

That list may look daunting, but I promise it's less complicated than it looks. @andreasnoack, have I omitted anything here? Is there anything else patwa should know to get started?

patwa67 commented 7 years ago

I did start on this issue, but realized that I won't have time to finish this in time. I have a start template for generalizedinversegaussian.jl and would be happy if someone else could take over this task and open a proper PR. Just let me know who I should send the file to.

ararslan commented 7 years ago

finish this in time

There's no rush. 😉 But if you don't want to continue work on it, you could just have a commit for your preliminary changes on your fork, then whoever wants to pick up where you left off can use the commit from your fork.

patwa67 commented 7 years ago

I'm completely lost in this process. The only thing I have is a generalizedinversegaussian.jl (somewhere), but I doubt that it is on Github. I think I created a branch under master called GIG, but I cannot find it. It would be best if I just could send the file to someone.

ararslan commented 7 years ago

Git can be quite frustrating at times. However, the advantage of doing it through Git is that authorship information is retained; if done properly by the PR author, the PR will include your commit with you still shown as the commit author. If you're willing to give it another shot, try this:

That's it! Whoever takes it from here can work directly from your preliminary PR, plus you're able to contribute more to it as well.

Does that seem doable? Don't hestitate to let me know if you run into any problems or have questions.

patwa67 commented 7 years ago

I'm afraid that it doesn't work. The only thing a get is: patwa67 merged 1 commit into master from patwa67-GIG 3 minutes ago

but that doesn't turn up as a pull request.

ararslan commented 7 years ago

Does the commit exist on your GIG branch?

patwa67 commented 7 years ago

GitHub is not for me, here's the code:


The *generalized inverse Gaussian distribution* with parameters a > 0, b > 0, p real,
and modified Bessel function of the second kind K_p, has probability density function

$f(x; a, b, p) = \frac{(a/b)^{p/2}}{2K_p(\sqrt{ab})}x^{(p-1)}
e^{-(ax+b/x)/2}, \quad x > 0$

GeneralizedInverseGaussian(a, b, p)    # Generalized Inverse Gaussian distribution with parameters parameters a > 0, b > 0 and p real

params(d)           # Get the parameters, i.e. (a, b, p)

External links

* [Generalized Inverse Gaussian distribution on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalized_inverse_Gaussian_distribution)

immutable GeneralizedInverseGaussian{T<:Real} <: ContinuousUnivariateDistribution

    function GeneralizedInverseGaussian(a::T, b::T, p::T)
        @check_args(GeneralizedInverseGaussian, a > zero(a) && b > zero(b))
        new(a, b, p)

GeneralizedInverseGaussian{T<:Real}(a::T, b::T, p::T) = GeneralizedInverseGaussian{T}(a, b, p)
GeneralizedInverseGaussian(a::Real, b::Real, p::Real) = GeneralizedInverseGaussian(promote(a, b, p)...)
GeneralizedInverseGaussian(a::Integer, b::Integer, p::Integer) = GeneralizedInverseGaussian(Float64(a), Float64(b), Float64(p))

@distr_support GeneralizedInverseGaussian 0.0 Inf

#### Conversions

function convert{T <: Real, S <: Real}(::Type{GeneralizedInverseGaussian{T}}, a::S, b::S, p::S)
    GeneralizedInverseGaussian(T(a), T(b), T(p))
function convert{T <: Real, S <: Real}(::Type{GeneralizedInverseGaussian{T}}, d::GeneralizedInverseGaussian{S})
    GeneralizedInverseGaussian(T(d.a), T(d.b), T(d.p))

#### Parameters

params(d::GeneralizedInverseGaussian) = (d.a, d.b, d.p)
@inline partype{T<:Real}(d::InverseGaussian{T}) = T

#### Statistics

mean(d::GeneralizedInverseGaussian) = (sqrt(d.b) * besselk((d.p + 1), sqrt(d.a * d.b))) / (sqrt(d.a) * besselk(d.p, sqrt(d.a * d.b)))

var(d::GeneralizedInverseGaussian) = (b / a) * ((besselk(d.p + 2, sqrt(d.a * d.b)) / (besselk(d.p, sqrt(d.a * d.b)))) -
 (besselk(d.p + 1, sqrt(d.a * d.b)) / (besselk(d.p, sqrt(d.a * d.b))))^2)

mode(d::GeneralizedInverseGaussian) = ((d.p - 1) + sqrt((d.p - 1)^2 + d.a * d.b)) / d.a

#### Evaluation

function pdf{T<:Real}(d::GeneralizedInverseGaussian{T}, x::Real)
    if x > 0
        a, b, p = params(d)
        return (((a / b)^(p / 2)) / (2 * besselk(p, sqrt(a * b)))) * (x^(p - 1)) * exp(- (a * x + b / x) / 2)
        return zero(T)

function logpdf{T<:Real}(d::GeneralizedInverseGaussian{T}, x::Real)
    if x > 0
        a, b, p = params(d)
        return log(sqrt(a) / sqrt(b)) + Calculus.derivative(log(besselk(p, sqrt(a * b))) # How to get the derivative? Maybe log(pdf(x))
        return -T(Inf)

function cdf{T<:Real}(d::GeneralizedInverseGaussian{T}, x::Real)
  if x > 0
      a, b, p = params(d)
        return # (5) in Lemonte & Cordeiro 2011 Statistics & Probability Letters 81:506–517
        return zero(T)

@quantile_newton GeneralizedInverseGaussian

#### Sampling

# rand method from:
# Hörmann, W. & J. Leydold. (2014). Generating generalized inverse Gaussian random variates.
# J. Stat. Comput. 24: 547–557. doi:10.1007/s11222-013-9387-3

function rand(d::GeneralizedInverseGaussian)
    a, b, p = params(d)
    # Algorithm 1
    # Algorithm 2
    # Algorithm 3

Edit by ararslan: Wrap code in markdown code block

ararslan commented 7 years ago

Okay, thanks for your hard work here and sorry for the confusion!

nsgrantham commented 7 years ago

Thanks for kicking this off, @patwa67.

So far, I've defined the GeneralizedInverseGaussian with its initial methods (f14790479b7c8e5b50cddbdcd6bf6625f0067bc7) and implemented the sampling algorithms found in Hörmann & Leydold (2014) (c0bea481d4345bb426d9095d0a989be5aa9c7b81).

Next up is defining the cdf as given by eq. (5) in Lemonte & Cordeiro (2011).

What other methods ought to be included before I make a pull request?