JuliaStats / GLM.jl

Generalized linear models in Julia
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add residuals method for GLM #499

Open palday opened 1 year ago

palday commented 1 year ago

~I haven't had the time to figure out how the denominator is computed for Pearson residuals and so haven't yet implemented them.~

I set the default residual type to deviance to match R's behavior, though that might be surprising for GLMs with normal distribution and identity link.

Note: once again I've noticed that -0 in outputs creates a problem. Tests fail for me on Julia 1.8 with Apple Silicon because of sign-swapping on zero.

codecov-commenter commented 1 year ago

Codecov Report

Patch coverage is 90.90% of modified lines.

Files Changed Coverage
src/glmfit.jl 90.90%

:loudspeaker: Thoughts on this report? Let us know!.

palday commented 1 year ago

@nalimilan the current doctests failures are unrelated to this PR, but do you have any objections to me updating them? For now, I would update update the expected output, but longterm we should improve pretty-printing of the types.

nalimilan commented 1 year ago


Would you feel like adding tests for all other model families? I'm always uncomfortable when what we test varies from one family to the next.

palday commented 1 year ago

Would you feel like adding tests for all other model families? I'm always uncomfortable when what we test varies from one family to the next.

Of course -- I've already got tests in there for deviance, response and working residuals of the families:

I've also added commented out tests for the same families with Pearson residuals.

ViralBShah commented 1 year ago

Bump. Perhaps @mousum-github can also help review this PR?

mousum-github commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @ViralBShah, let me go through the PR.

mousum-github commented 1 year ago

We can easily add Pearson Residuals using the following: - sign.(response(model) .- fitted(model)) . sqrt.(model.rr.wrkwt . abs2.(model.rr.wrkresid))

(and the sum of square of Pearson residuals / residual dof, is the estimated dispersion parameter)

nalimilan commented 1 year ago

@mousum-github Maybe you know the answer to https://github.com/JuliaStats/GLM.jl/pull/499/files#r976581242?

@palday Do you plan to add test for other method families?

mousum-github commented 1 year ago

@mousum-github Maybe you know the answer to https://github.com/JuliaStats/GLM.jl/pull/499/files#r976581242?

@palday Do you plan to add test for other method families?

I am not sure about the relationship. I tried but was unable to establish such a relationship easily.

ararslan commented 1 year ago

I haven't had the time to figure out how the denominator is computed for Pearson residuals and so haven't yet implemented them.

It's based on the variance function:

$$ e_i = \frac{y_i - \hat{\mu}_i}{\sqrt{V(\hat{\mu}_i)}} $$

so should be sqrt(glmvar(model.rr.d, _))

palday commented 1 year ago

@nalimilan what families am I missing?

nalimilan commented 1 year ago

@nalimilan what families am I missing?

How about testing residuals for all existing tests? We currently test all results (fit stats, coefs...) for all of them so that would be consistent. That would also ensure we don't miss a corner case (weights, no intercept, etc.).

ararslan commented 1 year ago

How about testing residuals for all existing tests?

FWIW I think this is pretty well tested as it stands and would favor having it merged without that. Perhaps once this is merged we can open an issue to add residuals tests for all models and someone can add tackle that in another PR.

nalimilan commented 1 year ago

Models with weights are not tested though, we need to make sure the result is correct or an error is thrown.

palday commented 1 year ago

@mousum-github please don't start making changes on my PR without asking me first.

mousum-github commented 1 year ago

I would like to add a few more test cases this week.

mousum-github commented 1 year ago

@mousum-github please don't start making changes on my PR without asking me first.

Sure, @palday. It is my bad. Please let me know if I can do anything. I am preparing a few more test cases in R with weights and offsets.

mousum-github commented 1 year ago

The following compares three types of residuals (response, deviance and Pearson) for different distributions and link functions in Julia and R. Overall the comparisons look good.

julia> using GLM, Random, LinearAlgebra, DataFrames, RCall

julia> Random.seed!(12345);

julia> df = DataFrame(x0 = ones(10), x1 = rand(10), x2 = rand(10), n = rand(50:70, 10), w=1 .+ 0.01*rand(10), off=1 .+ 0.01*rand(10));

julia> β = [1, -1, 1];

julia> X = convert(Matrix, df[:,1:3]);

julia> η = X*β;

julia> σ = 1;


julia> #  Poisson Distribution with Log link #

julia> Random.seed!(123456);

julia> μ = GLM.linkinv.(LogLink(), η);

julia> df["y"] = rand.(Poisson.(μ));

julia> mdl = glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), df, Poisson(););

julia> jresid1,jresid2,jresid3 = GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:response), GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:deviance),  GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:pearson);

julia> @rput df;

julia> R"""
       mdl = glm(y ~ x1+x2, data=df, family=poisson());
       rresid1 = resid(mdl, type='response');
       rresid2 = resid(mdl, type='deviance');
       rresid3 = resid(mdl, type='pearson');

julia> @rget rresid1 rresid2 rresid3;

julia> isapprox(rresid1, jresid1, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid2, jresid2, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid3, jresid3, atol=1.0E-6)

julia> #  ..with weights and offset #

julia> mdl = glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), df, Poisson(); wts=df["w"], offset=df["off"]);

julia> jresid1,jresid2,jresid3 = GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:response), GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:deviance),  GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:pearson);

julia> R"""
       mdl = glm(y ~ x1+x2, data=df, family=poisson(), weights=w, offset=off);
       rresid1 = resid(mdl, type='response');
       rresid2 = resid(mdl, type='deviance');
       rresid3 = resid(mdl, type='pearson');

julia> @rget rresid1 rresid2 rresid3;

julia> isapprox(rresid1, jresid1, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid2, jresid2, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid3, jresid3, atol=1.0E-6)


julia> #  Binomial Distribution with Logit link #

julia> Random.seed!(123456);

julia> μ = GLM.linkinv.(LogitLink(), η);

julia> n = df["n"];

julia> df["y"] = rand.(Binomial.(n, μ)) ./ n;

julia> mdl = glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), df, Binomial(););

julia> @rput df;

julia> jresid1,jresid2,jresid3 = GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:response), GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:deviance),  GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:pearson);

julia> R"""
       mdl = glm(y ~ x1+x2, data=df, family=binomial());
       rresid1 = resid(mdl, type='response');
       rresid2 = resid(mdl, type='deviance');
       rresid3 = resid(mdl, type='pearson');
┌ Warning: RCall.jl: Warning in eval(family$initialize) :
│   non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
└ @ RCall C:\Users\user\.julia\packages\RCall\6kphM\src\io.jl:172

julia> @rget rresid1 rresid2 rresid3;

julia> rresid1 ≈ jresid1 && rresid2 ≈ jresid2 && rresid3 ≈ jresid3

julia> # .. with weights and offset #

julia> mdl = glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), df, Binomial(); wts=df["w"], offset=df["off"]);

julia> jresid1,jresid2,jresid3 = GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:response), GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:deviance),  GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:pearson);

julia> R"""
       mdl = glm(y ~ x1+x2, data=df, family=binomial(), weights=w, offset=off);
       rresid1 = resid(mdl, type='response');
       rresid2 = resid(mdl, type='deviance');
       rresid3 = resid(mdl, type='pearson');
┌ Warning: RCall.jl: Warning in eval(family$initialize) :
│   non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
│ Warning in eval(family$initialize) :
│   non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
└ @ RCall C:\Users\user\.julia\packages\RCall\6kphM\src\io.jl:172

julia> @rget rresid1 rresid2 rresid3;

julia> rresid1 ≈ jresid1 && rresid2 ≈ jresid2 && rresid3 ≈ jresid3


julia> #  Bernoulli Distribution with Logit link #

julia> Random.seed!(123456);

julia> μ = GLM.linkinv.(LogitLink(), η);

julia> df["y"] = rand.(Bernoulli.(μ));

julia> mdl = glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), df, Bernoulli(););

julia> @rput df;

julia> jresid1,jresid2,jresid3 = GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:response), GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:deviance),  GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:pearson);

julia> R"""
       mdl = glm(y ~ x1+x2, data=df, family=binomial());
       rresid1 = resid(mdl, type='response');
       rresid2 = resid(mdl, type='deviance');
       rresid3 = resid(mdl, type='pearson');

julia> @rget rresid1 rresid2 rresid3;

julia> rresid1 ≈ jresid1 && rresid2 ≈ jresid2 && rresid3 ≈ jresid3

julia> # .. with weights and offset #

julia> mdl = glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), df, Bernoulli(); wts=df["w"], offset=df["off"]);

julia> jresid1,jresid2,jresid3 = GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:response), GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:deviance),  GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:pearson);

julia> R"""
       mdl = glm(y ~ x1+x2, data=df, family=binomial(), weights=w, offset=off);
       rresid1 = resid(mdl, type='response');
       rresid2 = resid(mdl, type='deviance');
       rresid3 = resid(mdl, type='pearson');
┌ Warning: RCall.jl: Warning in eval(family$initialize) :
│   non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
│ Warning in eval(family$initialize) :
│   non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!
└ @ RCall C:\Users\user\.julia\packages\RCall\6kphM\src\io.jl:172

julia> @rget rresid1 rresid2 rresid3;

julia> rresid1 ≈ jresid1 && rresid2 ≈ jresid2 && rresid3 ≈ jresid3



julia> #  Negative Binomial Distribution with Logit link #

julia> Random.seed!(123456);

julia> μ = GLM.linkinv.(LogLink(), η);

julia> π = μ ./ (μ .+ 10.0);

julia> df["y"] = rand.(NegativeBinomial.(10, π));

julia> mdl = negbin(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), df, LogLink(); rtol=1.0E-12);

julia> jresid1,jresid2,jresid3 = GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:response), GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:deviance),  GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:pearson);

julia> @rput df;

julia> R"""
       mdl = glm.nb(y ~ x1+x2, data=df);
       rresid1 = resid(mdl, type='response');
       rresid2 = resid(mdl, type='deviance');
       rresid3 = resid(mdl, type='pearson');

julia> @rget rresid1 rresid2 rresid3;

julia> isapprox(rresid1, jresid1, atol=1.0E-4) && isapprox(rresid2, jresid2, atol=1.0E-4) && isapprox(rresid3, jresid3, atol=1.0E-4)


julia> #  Gamma Distribution with InverseLink link #

julia> Random.seed!(1234);

julia> μ = GLM.linkinv.(LogLink(), η);

julia> df["y"] = rand.(Gamma.(μ, σ));

julia> mdl = glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), df, Gamma(););

julia> jresid1,jresid2,jresid3 = GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:response), GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:deviance),  GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:pearson);

julia> @rput df;

julia> R"""
       mdl = glm(y ~ x1+x2, data=df, family=Gamma());
       rresid1 = resid(mdl, type='response');
       rresid2 = resid(mdl, type='deviance');
       rresid3 = resid(mdl, type='pearson');

julia> @rget rresid1 rresid2 rresid3;

julia> isapprox(rresid1, jresid1, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid2, jresid2, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid3, jresid3, atol=1.0E-6)

julia> # .. with weights and offset #

julia> mdl = glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), df, Gamma(),; wts=df["w"], offset=df["off"]);

julia> jresid1,jresid2,jresid3 = GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:response), GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:deviance),  GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:pearson);

julia> R"""
       mdl = glm(y ~ x1+x2, data=df, family=Gamma(), weights=w, offset=off);
       cf = coef(mdl);
       rresid1 = resid(mdl, type='response');
       rresid2 = resid(mdl, type='deviance');
       rresid3 = resid(mdl, type='pearson');

julia> @rget rresid1 rresid2 rresid3;

julia> isapprox(rresid1, jresid1, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid2, jresid2, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid3, jresid3, atol=1.0E-6)


julia> #  InverseGaussian Distribution with InverseSquareLink link #

julia> Random.seed!(1234);

julia> μ = GLM.linkinv.(InverseSquareLink(), η);

julia> df["y"] = rand.(InverseGaussian.(μ, σ));

julia> mdl = glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), df, InverseGaussian(););

julia> @rput df;

julia> jresid1,jresid2,jresid3 = GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:response), GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:deviance),  GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:pearson);

julia> R"""
       mdl = glm(y ~ x1+x2, data=df, family=inverse.gaussian());
       cff = coef(mdl);
       rresid1 = resid(mdl, type='response');
       rresid2 = resid(mdl, type='deviance');
       rresid3 = resid(mdl, type='pearson');

julia> @rget rresid1 rresid2 rresid3;

julia> isapprox(rresid1, jresid1, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid2, jresid2, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid3, jresid3, atol=1.0E-6)

julia> # .. with weights and offset #

julia> mdl = glm(@formula(y ~ x1 + x2), df, InverseGaussian(); wts=df["w"], offset=df["off"]);

julia> jresid1,jresid2,jresid3 = GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:response), GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:deviance),  GLM.residuals(mdl, type=:pearson);

julia> R"""
       mdl = glm(y ~ x1+x2, data=df, family=inverse.gaussian(), weights=w, offset=off);
       rresid1 = resid(mdl, type='response');
       rresid2 = resid(mdl, type='deviance');
       rresid3 = resid(mdl, type='pearson');

julia> @rget rresid1 rresid2 rresid3;

julia> isapprox(rresid1, jresid1, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid2, jresid2, atol=1.0E-6) && isapprox(rresid3, jresid3, atol=1.0E-6)
nalimilan commented 1 year ago

@palday Are you OK with @mousum-github adding more tests?

@mousum-github Thanks for checking. However, existing tests already fit models for all families, so better reuse these models and just add checks that residuals return the expected value rather than add new models.

mousum-github commented 1 year ago

@nalimilan - I also considered suggesting some tests within existing test cases. Since there are conflicts in the runtests.jl right now, just checked new functionalities only with R, especially with weights and offsets.

mousum-github commented 1 year ago

For residuals functionalities,

Existing Test cases:

So far I have added test cases (locally) to the following

And, I am planning to add some more test cases to the following by this week

Also, I have changed the existing residuals function for lm. Now it will support all types like GLM.

My plan is to raise a PR to pa/resid branch whenever I am done.

@nalimilan, please let us know if there is a better way to proceed.

mousum-github commented 1 year ago

The changes in the residuals function with lm are like the following,

    resid = response(model) - fitted(model)
    if length(model.rr.wts) > 0 && (type === :deviance || type === :pearson)
        return resid .* sqrt.(model.rr.wts)
        return resid
palday commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I've been a bit underwater with other priorities. I will start integrating these suggestions -- thanks @mousum-github !

nalimilan commented 1 year ago

My plan is to raise a PR to pa/resid branch whenever I am done.

@nalimilan, please let us know if there is a better way to proceed.

Thanks. I guess that's the best approach so that @palday can have a look at the changes.

mousum-github commented 1 year ago

Thanks @nalimilan. I have raised the PR #540. @palday - hope it will help.