JuliaStats / KernelDensity.jl

Kernel density estimators for Julia
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Re-scale data before performing bivariate KDE #96

Open farr opened 3 years ago

farr commented 3 years ago

If you have data that are highly correlated or have unusual shapes, the current code in BivariateKDE does not give a very good representation of the true distribution because the bandwidths and kernel densities are estimated separately in the x and y dimensions. For example, with this data set, the current code applied to this data:

using KernelDensity
using StatsPlots

x = randn(1024)
y = x .+ 0.1 .* randn(1024)



A better approach is to estimate the bandwidth of the KDE as a 2x2 covariance matrix (this is, for example, what SciPy does); but a naive implementation of such a "full rank" bandwidth makes it much harder to employ the FFT-to-a-grid trick used in KernelDensity. An equivalent approach that allows to keep the FFT trick is to first de-correlate the input data by performing a rotation and scale so that is covariance is the identity, then estimate using the current KDE code, then de-rotate onto the original grid. This code performs the manipulations:

function rescaled_bivariate_kde((x, y))
    z = hcat(x, y)

    mu = mean(z, dims=1)
    Sigma = cov(z, dims=1)
    L = cholesky(Sigma).L
    detL = prod(diag(L))

    zr = L \ (z .- mu)'

    kr = kde((zr[1,:], zr[2,:]))
    k = kde((x,y))
    ikr = InterpKDE(kr)

    for i in 1:size(k.x, 1)
        for j in 1:size(k.y, 1)
            zr = L \ (permutedims([k.x[i], k.y[j]]) .- mu)'
            p = pdf(ikr, zr[1,1], zr[2,1])
            k.density[i,j] = p / detL


The result on the above data set is



which is a much better representation of the actual density. Note: I have checked that the proper Jacobian factors are included:

k = rescaled_bivariate_kde((x,y))
sum(k.density .* step(k.x) .* step(k.y)) # 1.0 to good accuracy

I propose that rescaled_bivariate_kde replace the existing kde constructor for bivariate data.