JuliaStats / Klara.jl

MCMC inference in Julia
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Update Travis to include 0.5, don't override default script #143

Closed ararslan closed 7 years ago

ararslan commented 7 years ago

Julia 0.5 is now a release. Since the REQUIRE doesn't have an upper bound on the required Julia version for installation, we should be running CI on the 0.5 release and on the nightlies. It's also better not to override the default test script unless there's a particular reason to do so, so I commented that part out.

ararslan commented 7 years ago

@scidom Well that was definitely the fasted label application I've ever seen! 😄

papamarkou commented 7 years ago

Hi @ararslan, thanks for opening this PR; the label was added automatically, I didn't intervene.

I will merge once I manage to ensure that Lora works with Julia v0.5. For now, I tried to install Lora with Julia v0.5 and I got a build error in Rmath.jl (actually BinDeps.jl), so I have to wait till this is fixed:

INFO: Building Rmath
==================================================================================[ ERROR: Rmath ]===================================================================================

LoadError: Failed to precompile BinDeps to /Users/theodore/.julia/lib/v0.5/BinDeps.ji
while loading /Users/theodore/.julia/v0.5/Rmath/deps/build.jl, in expression starting on line 1


==================================================================================[ BUILD ERRORS ]===================================================================================

WARNING: Rmath had build errors.

 - packages with build errors remain installed in /Users/theodore/.julia/v0.5
 - build the package(s) and all dependencies with `Pkg.build("Rmath")`
 - build a single package by running its `deps/build.jl` script

INFO: Package database updated

Furthermore, once the above error is sorted out, I have to ensure that this https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/15068 issue has been resolved before I start using Lora with Julia v0.5. I mentioned this issue nearly 4 months ago, but not sure if it is going to be taken care of anytime soon, so Lora may be stack with Julia v0.4 for a while.

ararslan commented 7 years ago

That's weird. What version of BinDeps are you using? Can you Pkg.update() then Pkg.build("Rmath")?

davidanthoff commented 7 years ago

I think the Rmath issue is specific to your machine, that works well for me. Isn't #15068 closed by #17487? If not, you should really complain over at #15068.

In any case, enabling travis builds on julia 0.5 seems the right thing to do at this moment so that we can start to fix any remaining problems, right?

papamarkou commented 7 years ago

Ok, I will merge this PR, and will follow up with Rmath.

papamarkou commented 7 years ago

I forgot to mention @ararslan that the building of Rmath after Pkg.update() didn't work, nor I expected it to work, because I tried it yest in a fresh installation anyhow.

davidanthoff commented 7 years ago

Yeah, make sure to follow up with Rmath. That is now one of the packages that really needs to work on people's machine because without it the whole stats stack is broken (they moved stuff out of Base into Rmath). So really high priority that the Rmath maintainers receive reports of any bugs there.

papamarkou commented 7 years ago

Thanks @davidanthoff, I will follow up with this. I am immersed into a research project, hoping to get to the bottom of it in the next week or so and then resume a more normal pace with Julia matters.

papamarkou commented 7 years ago

@davidanthoff apologies for the slowness, I can now confirm that Rmath builds just fine on my mac (Julia v0.5).