JuliaStats / Klara.jl

MCMC inference in Julia
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MCMC in GaussianProcesses.jl #167

Closed chris-nemeth closed 6 years ago

chris-nemeth commented 6 years ago

Hi Theo,

Thanks for fixing the deprecation errors.

We have a world age issue with our default Klara implementation within GaussianProcesses.jl. Our mcmc function can be found here mcmc. As you can see it's a pretty straightforward MALA sampler.

If you run the following as a test you'll see the error

using GaussianProcesses
import Distributions:Normal

X = rand(20);
X = sort(X);
y = sin.(10*X);
y=convert(Vector{Bool}, y.>0);

#Select mean, kernel and likelihood function
mZero = MeanZero()   #Zero mean function
kern = SE(0.0,0.0)   #Sqaured exponential kernel (note that hyperparameters are on the log scale)
lik = BernLik()      #Bernoulli likelihood

gp = GP(X,vec(y),mZero,kern,lik)     


samples = mcmc(gp)



papamarkou commented 6 years ago

Thanks Chris, leave it with me and I will check it. These world age issues in Julia v0.6 have become my nightmare... if anything else fails, I might have to remove code generation from the package...

chris-nemeth commented 6 years ago

You may have already seen this and not sure if their solution helps world age?

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

I am trying to reproduce your error Chris, to start with, but I get the error

julia> lik = BernLik()      #Bernoulli likelihood
ERROR: UndefVarError: BernLik not defined

Where is BernLik() defined, do I need to import it from somewhere? You may pass on a fully operational script-example (or fully breaking considering the world age issue), and I will work with it.

chris-nemeth commented 6 years ago

Sorry. I should have mentioned that the non-Gaussian likelihoods aren't on the Julia package repository. You'll need to clone the package from Github.

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

I can see the error now Chris. I will ask the community if there is a way to solve the world age issue, or else the package needs re-development.

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

Here is the discussion at discourse:


chris-nemeth commented 6 years ago

Hopefully there's a simple solution to this and it doesn't create too much extra work for you.

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

Indeed, let's hope Chris, as now nearly everything is code-generated and (world-) aged...

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

@ararslan, @JeffBezanson, @Keno, I know I have been asked before to post on discourse rather than tagging people. Unfortunately discourse hasn't been so helpful, and as you can see here my issue remains unresolved. Without of course wanting you to fix the current Julia issue opened by @chris-nemeth, can you possibly provide a working solution for the issue mentioned at discourse (although I am afraid there isn't one, because some loss of functionality was incurred from Julia v0.5 to v0.6 in relation to this matter)? Your help would be greatly appreciated, as my package is currently broken due to this problem.

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

@chris-nemeth, as you will see below, the following works. I extracted the code from your mcmc() method and it now executes. So, weirdly enough, the problem appears only when the same code is enclosed into a function (your mcmc()):

using Klara
using GaussianProcesses
import Distributions:Normal

X = rand(20);
X = sort(X);
y = sin.(10*X);
y=convert(Vector{Bool}, y.>0);

#Select mean, kernel and likelihood function
mZero = MeanZero()   #Zero mean function
kern = SE(0.0,0.0)   #Sqaured exponential kernel (note that hyperparameters are on the log scale)
lik = BernLik()      #Bernoulli likelihood

gp = GP(X,vec(y),mZero,kern,lik)     


start = GaussianProcesses.get_params(gp)
mcrange=Klara.BasicMCRange(nsteps=5000, burnin=1000)

function logtarget(hyp::Vector{Float64})  #log-target
  GaussianProcesses.set_params!(gp, hyp)
  return GaussianProcesses.update_target!(gp)   

function dlogtarget(hyp::Vector{Float64}) #gradient of the log-target
  GaussianProcesses.set_params!(gp, hyp)
  return GaussianProcesses.update_target_and_dtarget!(gp)

starting = Dict(:p=>start)
q = BasicContMuvParameter(:p, logtarget=logtarget, gradlogtarget=dlogtarget) 
model = likelihood_model(q, false)               #set-up the model
tune = AcceptanceRateMCTuner(0.6, verbose=true)  #set length of tuning (default to burnin length)
job = BasicMCJob(model, sampler, mcrange, starting)   #set-up MCMC job
chain = Klara.output(job)
papamarkou commented 6 years ago

P.S. Of course this doesn't solve the problem, just letting you know what happens.

chris-nemeth commented 6 years ago

You are right that it works outside of the mcmc() function although I can't see why that is.

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

I don't know either Chris, it has to do with the new world age counter introduced in Julia v0.6 that messes up Klara. I will try to sort this out by basically dropping code-generation from my package, but this will take me a while, it requires massive amount of work.

chris-nemeth commented 6 years ago

If everything else in Klara.jl works fine then it's not worth modifying the package just for GaussianProcesses.jl.

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

What would happen in this case though with GaussianProcesses? Can you see a workaround for your package? The main difficulty is that the methods in Klara can't be encapsulated in a function body anymore as it seems...

chris-nemeth commented 6 years ago

For the time being, I can implement an HMC algorithm for the mcmc() function.

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

Thanks Chris, sounds good, as it's going to take quite some time before I succeed in removing code generation from the whole codebase.

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

Keno provided a solution on discourse, which solved this world age error. Of course, there are many more world age errors to resolve before GaussianProcesses can operate, but my hope is that the rest of the errors are now soluble in a similar way. I will check this out.

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

I updated discourse with one new issue I encountered while trying to convert all the eval() calls to macro invocations. I replicate below the post from discourse to increase visibility as well as the likelihood of finding a solution.

The following works:

macro codegen(y)
    function (x::$(typeof(y)))

f = @codegen(2.)

However, if I try to call the macro from inside a function (function g() below), the following fails:

g(y) = @codegen(y)

f = g(2.)

Is there a way to solve this issue by possibly modifying the macro somehow?

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

Update; I removed several world-age errors associated with the main parameter methods and autodiff. There is still quite some work to do to eliminate all world age issues, so I will leave this ticket open till I am done. I am using your older breaking code @chris-nemeth to check when things will work completely from your end.

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

After my last commit, your initial old GP example script runs for MALA without world age errors. I still need to make the analogous changes for all other samplers, streams and nstates before code-generation is eliminated completely, but perhaps about half of the job is done by now, seeing your initial code is operational.

chris-nemeth commented 6 years ago

Thanks. That's great news! I'm away at the monent but I'll look at this when I return.

papamarkou commented 6 years ago

After the latest upgrade to Klara v0.9.1, there is no code generation anymore in Klara in order to avoid world-age issues. This means that this issue has also been resolved, as there is no way you'd encounter any further world age errors. I will now close the issue.

chris-nemeth commented 6 years ago

Thanks for taking this.