JuliaStats / Statistics.jl

The Statistics stdlib that ships with Julia.
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`mean` incorrectly computes means of ranges #120

Open yurivish opened 2 years ago

yurivish commented 2 years ago

For example, it incorrectly computes the mean of the single-element range containing the number 123 as -5 if the element type is Int8:

julia> using Statistics

julia> mean(Int8(123):Int8(123))

As another example, the mean of the range 126:127 is computed as -1.5 rather than the true mean, which is 126.5:

julia> mean(Int8(126):Int8(127))

Because median delegates to mean, the median is also wrong:

julia> median(Int8(123):Int8(123))

This is due to a “performance-optimized” mean implementation:


The code mishandles integer overflow, affecting all standard integer types (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, and UInt64):

julia> mean(typemax(Int):typemax(Int))

julia> mean(UInt8(255):UInt8(255))

Since it also mishandles floating-point overflow, this affects all standard float types (Float16, Float32, and Float64):

julia> mean(Float16(12345):Float16(54321))

The mean is computed incorrectly for 25% of all signed integer ranges and 50% of all unsigned integer ranges.

jishnub commented 2 years ago

This should be handled by https://github.com/JuliaStats/Statistics.jl/pull/115 I think

mbauman commented 1 week ago

I think all these cases were fixed by #150.