JuliaStats / Statistics.jl

The Statistics stdlib that ships with Julia.
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Median (and presumably all quantile computation) could be much faster for large inputs #154

Open LilithHafner opened 10 months ago

LilithHafner commented 10 months ago

The concept is to take a random sample to quickly find values that almost certainly (99% chance) bracket target value(s), then efficiently pass over the whole input, counting values that fall above/below the bracketed range and explicitly storing only those that fall within the target range. If the median does not fall within the target range, try again with a new random seed up to three times (99.9999% success rate if the randomness is good). If the median does fall within the selected subset, find the exact target values within the selected subset.

Here's a naive implementation that is 4x faster for large inputs and allocates O(n ^ 2/3) memory instead of O(n) memory.

using Statistics
function my_median(v::AbstractVector)
    length(v) < 2^12 && return median(v)
    k = round(Int, length(v)^(1/3))
    lo_i = floor(Int, middle(1, k^2) - 1.3k)
    hi_i = ceil(Int, middle(1, k^2) + 1.3k)
    @assert 1 <= lo_i
    for _ in 1:3
        sample = rand(v, k^2)
        middle_of_sample = partialsort!(sample, lo_i:hi_i)
        lo_x, hi_x = first(middle_of_sample), last(middle_of_sample)
        number_below = 0
        middle_of_v = similar(v, 0)
        sizehint!(middle_of_v, 3k^2)
        for x in v
            a = x < lo_x
            b = x < hi_x
            number_below += Int(a)
            if a != b
                push!(middle_of_v, x)
        target = middle(firstindex(v), lastindex(v)) - number_below
        if isinteger(target)
            target_i = Int(target)
            checkbounds(Bool, middle_of_v, target_i) && return middle(partialsort!(middle_of_v, target_i))
            target_lo = floor(Int, target)
            target_hi = ceil(Int, target)
            checkbounds(Bool, middle_of_v, target_lo:target_hi) && return middle(partialsort!(middle_of_v, target_lo:target_hi))

I think this is reasonably close to optimal for large inputs, but I payed no heed to optimizing the O(n^(2/3)) factors, so it is likely possible to optimize this to lower the crossover point where this becomes more efficient than the current median code.

This generalizes quite well to quantiles(n, k) for short k. It has a runtime of O(n * k) with a low constant factor. The calls to partialsort! can also be replaced with more efficient recursive calls to quantile


Runtimes measured in clock cycles per element (@ 3.49 GHz)

length median my_median
10^1 16.01 30.84
10^2 15.74 40.28
10^3 14.52 17.47
10^4 9.87 8.67
10^5 8.77 5.29
10^6 11.15 3.67
10^7 14.53 3.11
10^8 13.06 2.71

10^9 OOMs.

Benchmark code ```julia println("length | median | my_median") println("-------|--------|----------") for i in 1:8 n = 10^i print("10^", rpad(i, 2), " | ") x = rand(n) t0 = @belapsed median($x) t0 *= 3.49e9/n print(rpad(round(t0, digits=2), 4, '0'), " | ") t1 = @belapsed my_median($x) t1 *= 3.49e9/n println(rpad(round(t1, digits=2), 4, '0')) end ``` And I removed the `length(x) < 2^12` fastpath to get accurate results for smaller inputs. I replaced the `@assert` with `1 <= lo_i || return median(v)`
nalimilan commented 9 months ago

Interesting. Why not use this at least for large vectors.

Regarding the performance of quantile, see also https://github.com/JuliaStats/Statistics.jl/pull/91.

oscardssmith commented 1 month ago

Note that the better answer here would be a QuickSelect based approach. partial sorting does more work than necessary here.

nalimilan commented 1 month ago

Doesn't partialsort! use quickselect?

LilithHafner commented 1 month ago

@nalimilan, yes. partialsort!(v::AbstractVector, k::Integer) uses QuickSelect in most cases on Julia 1.10.x.

On 1.11.0-rc1 it uses BracketedSort (a generalization of the alg I proposed in this PR).

However, I haven't closed this issue because another key optimization proposed here is that median need not make a copy. This is possible because partialsort with alg=BracketedSort can be (but has not yet been) optimized to not copy the entire array.