help?> Distributions.gammalogpdf
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StatsFuns.RFunctions.gammalogpdf is a Function.
# 2 methods for generic function "gammalogpdf":
[1] gammalogpdf(α::Union{Float64, Int64}, β::Union{Float64, Int64}, x::Union{Float64, Int64}) in StatsFuns.RFunctions at /home/vargonis/.julia/packages/StatsFuns/dT2Je/src/rmath.jl:73
[2] gammalogpdf(k::Real, θ::Real, x::Number) in StatsFuns at /home/vargonis/.julia/packages/StatsFuns/dT2Je/src/distrs/gamma.jl:19
The two methods do seem to be computing the same thing, though, so it is not a bug. It is the argument names of the first one that violate conventions, and that can induce to errors if one relies on the misleading information they convey.
The two methods do seem to be computing the same thing, though, so it is not a bug. It is the argument names of the first one that violate conventions, and that can induce to errors if one relies on the misleading information they convey.