JuliaStats / TimeSeries.jl

Time series toolkit for Julia
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Can't read CSV with unix timestamp #442

Closed 1337SEnergy closed 4 years ago

1337SEnergy commented 4 years ago

Julia 1.3.1

using TimeSeries;

candles = readtimearray("./dataset/data/data.csv");
ERROR: LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Array{Float64,1} at index [1]
 [1] getindex(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Int64) at .\array.jl:744
 [2] #readtimearray#54(::Char, ::Nothing, ::String, ::Bool, ::typeof(readtimearray), ::String) at C:\Users\SEnergy\.julia\packages\TimeSeries\8Z5Is\src\readwrite.jl:15
 [3] readtimearray(::String) at C:\Users\SEnergy\.julia\packages\TimeSeries\8Z5Is\src\readwrite.jl:5
 [4] top-level scope at d:\OneDrive\Dev\datatest\stupidshit.jl:3
 [5] include at .\boot.jl:328 [inlined]
 [6] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1105
 [7] include(::Module, ::String) at .\Base.jl:31
 [8] include(::String) at .\client.jl:424
 [9] top-level scope at REPL[3]:1

loading using CSV:

using CSV, TimeSeries;

TimeArray(CSV.File("./dataset/data/data.csv"), timestamp = :date)
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching TimeArray(::Array{Int64,1}, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::Array{Symbol,1}, ::CSV.File{false})
Closest candidates are:
  TimeArray(::AbstractArray{D,1}, ::AbstractArray{T,N}, ::Array{Symbol,1}, ::Any; args...) where {T, N, D<:TimeType} at C:\Users\SEnergy\.julia\packages\TimeSeries\8Z5Is\src\timearray.jl:89
  TimeArray(::D, ::AbstractArray{T,N}, ::Array{Symbol,1}, ::Any; args...) where {T, N, D<:TimeType} at C:\Users\SEnergy\.julia\packages\TimeSeries\8Z5Is\src\timearray.jl:94
  TimeArray(::AbstractArray{D,1}, ::AbstractArray{T,N}, ::Array{Symbol,1}) where {T, N, D<:TimeType} at C:\Users\SEnergy\.julia\packages\TimeSeries\8Z5Is\src\timearray.jl:89
 [1] #TimeArray#3(::Symbol, ::Type{TimeArray}, ::CSV.File{false}) at C:\Users\SEnergy\.julia\packages\TimeSeries\8Z5Is\src\tables.jl:70
 [2] (::Core.var"#kw#Type")(::NamedTuple{(:timestamp,),Tuple{Symbol}}, ::Type{TimeArray}, ::CSV.File{false}) at .\none:0
 [3] top-level scope at d:\OneDrive\Dev\datatest\stupidshit.jl:3
 [4] include at .\boot.jl:328 [inlined]
 [5] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1105
 [6] include(::Module, ::String) at .\Base.jl:31
 [7] include(::String) at .\client.jl:424
 [8] top-level scope at REPL[1]:1

the file contains data as follows:

date,high,low,open,close,volume,quoteVolume,weightedAverage 1438992000,50.0,0.00262,50.0,0.00312499,1205.80332085,266206.08039703,0.00452958 1439078400,0.0041,0.0024,0.00299999,0.00258069,898.12343401,313987.87486089,0.00286037 1439164800,0.0029022,0.0022,0.00264996,0.00264498,718.36526568,284575.40630873,0.00252434 1439251200,0.0044,0.002414,0.00264959,0.00395009,3007.27411094,915138.49590874,0.00328614

I've been stuck on this for past 2 hours and it's driving me mad, nothing works to read these data... I can read them with CSV package, but then I can't convert it to TimeArray for plotting

guyiem commented 4 years ago

I had a quick look. readtimearray calls (line 5) readdlm from the library DelimitedFiles. Basically it loads the file. If your CSV file uses unix timestamp as row index, the function readdlm parses its as Float, and not a string as with dates in usual format ( YYYY-MM-DD or something equivalent).

Then when it comes to removing empty lines in readtimearray (line 11), index, as Float, have a length 1 so the code remove everything and return a 0-element Array{Float64,1} as index.

My first time here, and not a professional developper (more on the maths side), but I think a proper way to deal with this could be to add to the file readwrite.jl a function which parses date, an call it in readtimearray, so we could deal with dates and unix timestamp.

iblislin commented 4 years ago

well, inferded type of column date is Int. TimeArray only accepts time type as timestamp.

julia> using Tables

julia> Tables.schema(CSV.File("./tmp/data.csv"))
 :date             Int64                                                                                                      
 :high             Float64                                                                                                    
 :low              Float64                                                                                                    
 :open             Float64                                                                                                    
 :close            Float64                                                                                                    
 :volume           Float64                                                                                                    
 :quoteVolume      Float64                                                                                                    
 :weightedAverage  Float64

Maybe it's time for creating a new type to accept Int/Float as timestamp.

iblislin commented 4 years ago

Hi @RealSEnergy , I enhance the constructor of TimeArray(table, ...). Could you check the PR #447 out?