JuliaStats / TimeSeries.jl

Time series toolkit for Julia
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TimeArray of 3D values fails with a crash #504

Open WaterQualityModels opened 2 years ago

WaterQualityModels commented 2 years ago

From the docs (values::A # some kind of AbstractArray{T,N}), I was expecting to be able to handle a 3D array of values without issue (rand(6,5,2) isa AbstractArray = true), but apparently this is not supported. In addition, it fails by crashing out the session - basic example:

using TimeSeries
ts = collect(now():Dates.Minute(15):now()+Dates.Minute(15)*5);
data = rand(6,5,2)
ta = TimeArray(ts,data)

If run in VSCode, the error is handled a little better but still crashes the session:

┌ Error: Some Julia code in the VS Code extension crashed
└ @ VSCodeServer ~\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-1.5.6\scripts\error_handler.jl:15
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("mismatch in dimension 3 (expected 2 got 1)")

Aside from handling the error better, is there an intention for this data type to be supported? It seems pretty basic to me in terms of an array of covariates collected at multiple locations at a common schedule. Is it supported in another manner that I am just not implementing correctly?

Thanks in advance for any constructive comments.