JuliaSurv / NetSurvival.jl

A pure-Julia take on standard net survival routines
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Maja's example #32

Closed rimhajal closed 2 months ago

rimhajal commented 2 months ago

The error is coming from the R packages idk why

lrnv commented 2 months ago

Its weird. Let me try to delete all caches.

lrnv commented 2 months ago

I deleted the caches and pushed for a new run. It'll take a time to reinstall all the R environement (i remmber that it was somehting like 20 to 30 mins the other time)

lrnv commented 2 months ago

Hmmm.. This is really weird.

IMHO The issue is that we did not "lock" the versions of potential R packages installed, and so it installs the latest every time, which is known to be unstable... We should do something about it. Unfortunately i do not have the time to handle this today nor tomorow, But I promise i'll look into it as soon as i can. Sorry you'll have to do without CI for a bit :/

Dont forget to run the tests and the docs locally then before merging stuff to ensure that it works correctly.

rimhajal commented 2 months ago

It's okay, as long as the code on my machine isn't blocking it shouldn't be too much of an issue for the moment

lrnv commented 2 months ago

@rimhajal If you rebase this branch onto main and force-push it, you should get working CI. But since you are only touching docs in here, not sure if it is really necessary

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rimhajal commented 2 months ago

Ready to merge and make public, final confirmation? :)

lrnv commented 2 months ago

Looks good to me, GG !