JuliaSymbolics / SymbolicUtils.jl

Symbolic expressions, rewriting and simplification
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Supertype of Symbolic expressions #16

Open shashi opened 4 years ago

shashi commented 4 years ago

We really want

Variable{T} <: T

But can't have it easily.

Some approaches:

A resolution of this should fix #8

ChrisRackauckas commented 4 years ago

That's for Julia to act like that when tracing. In order for symbolic analysis to handle this, you can just choose for x::Variable{T} to use the rule for T.

shashi commented 4 years ago

choose for x::Variable{T} to use the rule for T

Yes, we already do that....

MasonProtter commented 4 years ago

Yeah, the issues is that it doesn’t help dispatch. Variable{T} <: Number is not good enough. Currently overrides would need to be put in all over the place.

ChrisRackauckas commented 4 years ago

Variable{T} is definitely not good enough, but I think it's a "good enough default" for generic tracing (since you can't do Variable{T} <: T, though we're asking compiler folk to allow it if possible). That said, if there's something that allows you to take finer control of tracing , like a Cassette-y thing, then it can act like Variable{T} <: T and we could just always point people to using the right context.

MasonProtter commented 4 years ago

Here's a minimal implementation of a symbolic system with custom IRTools pass that does Symbolic{T} <: T https://gist.github.com/MasonProtter/ea7588a191cf1ef388af3f26c0105c53

at the repl:

julia> using .Syms

julia> begin
           f(x::Float64)     = 1 + sin(x)^(1/2)
           g(x::Vector{Int}) = x'x + 2

           x = Sym{Float64}(:x)
           y = Sym{Vector{Int}}(:y)

julia> sym() do 
           f(g(y) + x)
(1 + sin((adjoint(y) * y + 2) + x) ^ 0.5) :: Float64 where {x::Float64, y::Array{Int64,1}}

This could also be implemented in Cassette if the ReflectOn branch ever merges.

shashi commented 4 years ago

Pretty nice! What does argument! do? I should try and play with it more. A good use case is getting qr to work on an array of symbols because it touches a lot of typeof zero(eltype(T)) kind of code, which is the tricky part of tracing.

Is anyone else feeling that we should split out just the symbolic.jl (just the type definitions) file into a SymbolicBase package, and then have the simplification + methods in this package?

This is because if we're going to make this the basis of ModelingToolkit types, then I don't want stuff to keep breaking for Chris & co.

But there's also the issue that a large part of why you'd want a base package is to avoid piracy which would mean that these methods would have to be defined in the Base package.

shashi commented 4 years ago

With the IRTools/Cassette approach we can say that there's a specific entrypoint

using SymbolicBase # just the types
using Symbolics: symrun # this package?
symrun() do
 ... # here + , * etc are defined

In other words this is saying: "run something in the symbolic context"

This would make ModelingToolkit code have a bunch of symruns everywhere.

ChrisRackauckas commented 4 years ago

This would make ModelingToolkit code have a bunch of symruns everywhere.

No, because most usage doesn't need tracing. So it wouldn't be all that common.

shashi commented 4 years ago

Oh so you want both a bunch of methods and a tracing context... Yes the default methods could just be limited to Symbolic{Number} as it does now, and the tracing package can be separate.

Then I don't think we need to worry about splitting this package up right now.

MasonProtter commented 4 years ago

Pretty nice! What does argument! do? I should try and play with it more. A good use case is getting qr to work on an array of symbols because it touches a lot of typeof zero(eltype(T)) kind of code, which is the tricky part of tracing.

Ha ha, I was never sure beyond "mike said this makes sneakyinvoke work" :grin:. I think it just removes the type checking from the IR but I don't actually know.