help?> Differential
search: Differential
struct Differential <: Symbolics.Operator
Represents a differential operator.
• x: The variable or expression to differentiate with respect to.
julia> using Symbolics
julia> @variables x y;
julia> D = Differential(x)
But in a REPL, I get a different result
julia> using Symbolics
julia> @variables x y;
julia> D = Differential(x)
(::Differential) (generic function with 3 methods)
julia> D(y) # Differentiate y wrt. x
julia> Dx = Differential(x) * Differential(y) # d^2/dxy operator
Differential(x) ∘ Differential(y)
julia> D3 = Differential(x)^3 # 3rd order differential operator
Differential(x) ∘ (Differential(x) ∘ Differential(x))
Strangely, the REPL docstring example is a doctest. I'm happy to change the docstring and/or the show behavior so that these align.
From the docstring,
But in a REPL, I get a different result
Strangely, the REPL docstring example is a doctest. I'm happy to change the docstring and/or the show behavior so that these align.