Closed hofmannmartin closed 7 years ago
Trying to run the example from the using TikzPictures 1.1.0 on julia 0.6 causes the following error:
tp = TikzPicture(L""" \draw (0,0) -- (10,10); \draw (10,0) -- (0,10); \node at (5,5) {tikz $\sqrt{\pi}$};""" , options="scale=0.25", preamble="")
MethodError: no method matching TikzPictures.TikzPicture(::LaTeXStrings.LaTeXString; options="scale=0.25", preamble="") Closest candidates are: TikzPictures.TikzPicture(::String; options, preamble, usePDF2SVG, enableWrite18) at /home/moeddel/.julia/v0.6/TikzPictures/src/TikzPictures.jl:54
Trying to run the example from the using TikzPictures 1.1.0 on julia 0.6 causes the following error: