JuliaTeX / TikzPictures.jl

Creating PGF/TikZ pictures and saving them in various formats
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Emergency Stop #54

Closed rcnlee closed 4 years ago

rcnlee commented 4 years ago

Hello, I get the following error when running the pgfplots example notebook. But I basically get the same error with all codes that use TikzPictures.jl. Any idea what it might be? I'm on Mac OS, Julia 1.4. I suspect it might be an installation issue, but I don't have another machine to test it on at the moment. Thanks!

> x = [1,2,3]
> y = [2,4,1]
> plot(x, y)
TikzPictures.TikzPicture("\\begin{axis}\\addplot+ coordinates {\n(1, 2)\n(2, 4)\n(3, 1)\n};\n\\end{axis}\n", "", "\\usepackage{pgfplots}\n\\pgfplotsset{compat=newest}\n\\pgfplotsset{every axis legend/.append style={%\ncells={anchor=west}}\n}\n\\usetikzlibrary{arrows}\n\\tikzset{>=stealth'}\n", true)
! Emergency stop.
<everyjob> ...ring \\def\string \\encodingdefault{OT1}')end }
                                                  \let \f@encoding \encoding...
End of file on the terminal!

Here is how much of LuaTeX's memory you used:
 8 strings out of 494300
 100000,89155 words of node,token memory allocated 241 words of node memory still in use:
   1 dir, 34 glue_spec nodes
   avail lists: 2:12,3:1,4:1
 4357 multiletter control sequences out of 65536+600000
 14 fonts using 591799 bytes
 5i,0n,1p,61b,15s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,100000s
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
mykelk commented 4 years ago

I think there was an issue with the lualatex that shipped with texlive 2018. See this. You might want to just update to texlive 2020.

rcnlee commented 4 years ago

Thank you! I upgraded the texlive and texlive-latex-extra packages via macports and it works now.