JuliaTeX / TreeView.jl

Draw Julia syntax trees as a graph
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artifact download when running `@tree` #34

Open slwu89 opened 4 months ago

slwu89 commented 4 months ago


When executing the simple example

using TreeView

@tree begin
    a = b + c
    d = (a - 2)^2

I get an error:

error: error sending request for url (https://relay.fullyjustified.net/default_bundle_v33.tar): error trying to connect: connection closed via error
caused by: error trying to connect: connection closed via error
caused by: connection closed via error

ERROR: LaTeX error

Because I have to work behind a firewall that blocks the URL https://relay.fullyjustified.net. I looked through the src of this package and cannot find anywhere where the code is trying to execute some download. Is there any workaround for this? Thanks!

I'm on [39424ebd] TreeView v0.5.1

dpsanders commented 4 months ago

TreeView uses LaTex so I think that is trying to download a complete LaTeX environment...

I think if you do

t = @tree begin
    a = b + c
    d = (a - 2)^2


you should get a text representation instead. You could then use Makie or something to plot that.

I believe that there was a way to draw ASTs using Plots.jl too

slwu89 commented 4 months ago

I see now that the Base.show method for LabelledTree will call down to some other packages using tikz/latex, strange that it is trying to download that file. I'm using MacTeX and have all the prerequisites installed (as per the instructions).

Thanks for the advice! I should be able to work with the LabelledTree object from the macro to get some plotting worked out. I think Graphviz or Mermaid will look nice.

[EDIT] @dpsanders where exactly in the code does it do some processing of the LabelledTree to get rid of some of the nodes? What I mean is that the tree object from the simple example in the readme is below, but the picture of the resulting tikz graph only has 7 nodes.

julia> t.labels
9-element Vector{Any}:
  :(#= /Users/wusea/Desktop/git/dssi-dyve-gcs/dev/country-depot.jl:7 =#)

julia> t.g
{9, 8} directed simple Int64 graph
dpsanders commented 4 months ago
t = @tree x^2 + y^2


on my machine gives

7-element Vector{Any}:

Did you add parentheses?

dpsanders commented 4 months ago

Please let us know if you find a nice solution with other tools!

slwu89 commented 4 months ago

Curious, on my machine, using the exact same code, I get (removing the long stacktrace from the error I get with Base.show for labeled trees:

julia> t = @tree begin
           x^2 + y^2
error: error sending request for url (https://relay.fullyjustified.net/default_bundle_v33.tar): error trying to connect: connection closed via error
caused by: error trying to connect: connection closed via error
caused by: connection closed via error

Error showing value of type LabelledTree:
ERROR: LaTeX error

julia> t.g
{9, 8} directed simple Int64 graph

julia> t.labels
9-element Vector{Any}:
  :(#= REPL[148]:2 =#)

I might look into doing a proper visualization with Graphviz or MMD later, but for now it suits my purposes to just use Catlab's Graphviz interface (LabeledGraph is a type from Catlab, I'm more familiar with Catlab than the JuliaTeX/Graphs packages). E.g. using the following to get

using Catlab
using Graphs

g = LabeledGraph{Symbol}()
add_vertices!(g, Graphs.nv(t.g), label=Symbol.(t.labels))
add_edges!(g, Graphs.src.(Graphs.edges(t.g)), Graphs.dst.(Graphs.edges(t.g)))

to_graphviz(g, node_labels=:label, graph_attrs=Dict(:rankdir=>"TB"))
Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 2 37 11 PM
slwu89 commented 4 months ago

Oh I see now that the extra nodes are due to the begin ... end block. Mystery solved.