JuliaText / TextAnalysis.jl

Julia package for text analysis
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Julia TextAnalysis NERTagger #214

Closed mitrabhanu closed 3 years ago

mitrabhanu commented 3 years ago

Julia TextAnalysis NERTagger is not working. I have followed documentation at https://juliatext.github.io/TextAnalysis.jl/dev/ner/

I have julia version 1.4.0. I have added TextAnalysis Package using Pkg.add("TextAnalysis") I then tried Nertagger using command ner = NERTagger() But I get the below error ERROR: UndefVarError: NERTagger not defined

Please help.

tejasvaidhyadev commented 3 years ago

try adding master branch of TextAnalysis

aviks commented 3 years ago

This feature is now in TextModels.jl