JuliaText / TextAnalysis.jl

Julia package for text analysis
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Libstemmer not defined for ARM (M1 Mac) #263

Closed krpate29 closed 1 year ago

krpate29 commented 1 year ago

Computer: M1 MacBook Pro

I installed the experimental 1.8.0-rc3 version of Julia in order to get native ARM support. I added every package I needed without errors except for TextAnalysis.jl. I have a small preprocessing file that cleans a document using standard NLP preprocessing (such as stemming, stop word removal, etc.), yet it throws an error when the stemming portion is called.

I believe this is an ARM-related issue, as this same code works without issues when I use Julia 1.6 (via Rosetta).

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aviks commented 1 year ago

Yeah, libstemmer needs to be recompiled in Yggdrasil for the ARM mac. https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil/blob/master/S/Snowball/build_tarballs.jl

aviks commented 1 year ago


aviks commented 1 year ago

if you update your environment, this should now be fixed.