JuliaText / TextAnalysis.jl

Julia package for text analysis
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Building lexicon when corpus does not fit into memory #266

Open davidbp opened 1 year ago

davidbp commented 1 year ago

I looked in the documentation and I could not find any tooling to build a lexicon when the Corpus can't fit on memory.

Let's say I want to build tf-idf vectors for a given lexicon of 10 million ngrams, but I can't fit in memory all the text files that I need to know there are 10 million ngrams in the corpus.

What I would like to do is to build incrementally the lexicon with batches of documents that I load (but note that I don't want to keep all the text of the documents, just tokenize them to learn the lexicon from the data).

for batch_of_documents in folder:
    update!(lexicon, batch_of_documents, tokenizer)

and then

m = DocumentTermMatrix(["some text here", "here more text"];  lexicon, tokenizer )

Is there a way to do this?

rssdev10 commented 8 months ago

Check this way - merge!(dtm1::DocumentTermMatrix{T}, dtm2::DocumentTermMatrix{T}) where {T}