JuliaText / TextAnalysis.jl

Julia package for text analysis
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Extend compat for StatsBase to include v0.34 #267

Closed ablaom closed 1 year ago

ablaom commented 1 year ago

Evidently, CompatHelper needs a kick.

This is holding up downstream packages updates. See, e.g. issue linked below.

Thanks in advance.

ablaom commented 1 year ago

@aviks Sorry to nag, but this holding up MLJText.jl (see also https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/MLJ.jl/issues/1022)

aviks commented 1 year ago

Fixed via #268 and https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General/pull/84210

ablaom commented 1 year ago

Thank you ❤️