JuliaText / TextAnalysis.jl

Julia package for text analysis
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Code refactoring #276

Closed rssdev10 closed 8 months ago

rssdev10 commented 8 months ago

Code improvements and decoration

rssdev10 commented 8 months ago

Test the decorations to get a final table with all the results. Unfortunately showtime argument of testset is not available in Julia 1.6

Test Summary:                          | Pass  Total   Time
All tests                              |  248    248  11.6s
  📂 coom.jl                           |   18     18   1.3s
    COOM (Co-occurence Matrix)         |   18     18   0.8s
  📂 tokenizer.jl                      |    1      1   0.0s
    Tokenizer                          |    1      1   0.0s
  📂 ngramizer.jl                      |    3      3   0.0s
    NGramizer                          |    3      3   0.0s
  📂 document.jl                       |   32     32   0.4s
    Document                           |   32     32   0.1s
  📂 metadata.jl                       |   20     20   0.3s
    Metadata                           |   20     20   0.3s
  📂 corpus.jl                         |   10     10   1.3s
    Corpus                             |    5      5   0.1s
    Convert Corpus to DataFrames       |    5      5   0.5s
  📂 preprocessing.jl                  |   26     26   0.6s
    Preprocessing                      |   26     26   0.1s
  📂 dtm.jl                            |   29     29   1.8s
    DTM                                |   29     29   1.7s
  📂 stemmer.jl                        |    5      5   0.1s
    Stemmer                            |    5      5   0.0s
  📂 tf_idf.jl                         |   34     34   2.4s
    TFIDF                              |   34     34   2.3s
  📂 lda.jl                            |    3      3   0.8s
    LDA                                |    3      3   0.8s
  📂 lsa.jl                            |    5      5   0.7s
    lsa                                |    5      5   0.7s
  📂 summarizer.jl                     |    4      4   0.5s
    Summarizer                         |    4      4   0.5s
  📂 bayes.jl                          |    3      3   0.3s
    Bayes                              |    3      3   0.3s
  📂 taggingschemes.jl                 |    6      6   0.1s
    Tagging_Schemes                    |    6      6   0.1s
  📂 evaluation_metrics.jl             |   14     14   0.4s
    Service functions check            |    4      4   0.1s
    Evaluation Metrics                 |    6      6   0.3s
    Compare with google-research/rouge |    4      4   0.0s
  📂 LM.jl                             |   32     32   0.4s
    Vocabulary                         |   12     12   0.0s
    preprocessing                      |    7      7   0.0s
    counter                            |    2      2   0.2s
    language model                     |   11     11   0.1s
  📂 translate_evaluation.jl           |    3      3   0.3s
    Evaluation/BLEU                    |    3      3   0.3s
     Testing TextAnalysis tests passed