JuliaWeb / HTTP.jl

HTTP for Julia
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Fix lost response body data. Fixes #1166 #1170

Closed quinnj closed 2 months ago

quinnj commented 2 months ago

This creates one extra copy of the bytes instead of the view, but the result of readuntil is always being materialized as a String anyway, which was making a copy of the bytes before anyway (i.e. the behavior that changed was String(::View) copied the view bytes then made the string, and now we're explicitly making the copy and then the string is made).

KristofferC commented 2 months ago

Would be good with a new release with this fix since quite a few packages error on PkgEval with issues that are likely originating from this.

fredrikekre commented 2 months ago


quinnj commented 2 months ago

Thanks @fredrikekre